Tuesday, May 14, 2013

AP English Literature Periods 1 and 3

The Fall of Rome -- Read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 completely. Be sure to have created a puzzle that expresses the multitude of diversity or even "fragments" within your own ethnicity or race. Identify no less than to categories in your puzzle. You may color and be creative! Respond: 1. Why is it significant that the first chapter of the novel is told uniquely in the first person? 2. What impression do you get of Mr. Washington? Write a paragraph and be sure to include specific references to the text. 3. Why is Chapter 2 (Rashid's) story told from an omniscient point of view? How might the switch between narrators impact the types of communication between Rashid and Mr. Washington? 4. What happens in Chapter 2, and unfortunately, why is this tragic happening all to common among many youth who reside in inner cities?

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