Thursday, August 29, 2019

Expository Composition period 5&6 Honors American Literature period 2

Complete a FULL SOAPS to the best of your ability on YOUR Selected Song.  Then create 1 right there; 1 author and you and 1 on your own about YOUR Song!.
Then for good measure,  listen to the song Makeup by Jazmine Sullivan. Song/Video Here:  Makeup Video  Song Lyrics here: Makeup Song Lyrics To the best of your ability, complete a SOAPS about her song as well. Then create one Right there, 1 Author and You and 1 On My Own Question about that text.  Bring competed SOAPS to CLASS (do not upload to Schoology).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

All Classes

As we near the end of our second week of school, I want to ensure that all students have:
1. Joined our Remind Class: Period 1
Honors American Lit Period 2
American Literature Period 4
Expository Composition Period 5
2. Have copies of the Syllabus
3. Have Bookmarked BOTH Blogs
4. Have submitted their Flipgrid and Dear Ms. Guy Letters
5. Have returned Questionnaires and Rules!
6. And have scanned/qr'ed the following: Reading Rubric; They Say, I Say Third Edition;
7. Reviewed the Levels of Questions and SOAPS Protocols.
8. Deep Dive