Tuesday, October 15, 2019

American Literature Period 1

Today, we will write in our journals on topics related to The Crucible.  We are back to our article of the week as well, and we will learn more about why Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible. Additionally, we will finish our documentary on The Salem Witch Trials and learn vocabulary for Act 1 by joining vocabulary.com 
Homework: Finish your reflection regarding your strengths and weaknesses in the class (Reflection).
Carefully finish reading/re-reading our article of the week. If needed, come by for a copy.
Complete a SOAPS + Summary on the Article of The Week: The Science Behind False Accusations.
Complete the first Activity in Vocabulary.com on Act 1 of The Crucible.
Finish the Documentary ON YOUR OWN: Link Here: The Salem Witch Trials. Be sure to take notes.  Who is Bridget Bishop? What do the accused have to do? Why was it almost impossible to be found innocent unless one confesses?

Monday, October 14, 2019

H. American Period 2

1. Carefully read all of the questions in the released AP Lit 2013 Exam. Mark off a passage from The Godfather and create no fewer than three questions with answers modelled after those in the test.
2. Then, also copy the following vocabulary words down, and write a sentence using someone from the novel.