Friday, January 20, 2017

English Ten Period 6

The Narrative of Frederick Douglass
1. Review Chapters one and two of the Narrative. Which details in either chapter seem to argue or refute the idea that: Black Women were promiscuous?  Which part of Chapter one does Frederick include to show that slavery was an unnatural condition? Why is Aunt Hester the subject of violence? Why do you think Frederick vividly recollects it and presents it to readers?  Do you think most slaves had the same relationships with their mother as Frederick did or might his situation been unique?

2. Complete the Family Tree Handout under Class Readings and Handouts.  One side of the tree is for your mother's side. The other for your father's lineage.  If possible, ask to see a picture or two or your grandparents to describe them.  Write down brief descriptions of your parents as well. Lastly, ask the name of the hospital you were born in; the time of your birth and the city and state.

3. Finish your Reflective Journal based on your multi-media research.
4. Journals and Literature Circle Role Sheets--prepare for next weeks meeting #2.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

English Ten period 2 and 6

Period 2 Review the definition of a phrase. Bring charged Chromebook and headphones.

Period 6:No homework other than to bring a charged chromebook to class tomorrow and headphones.

American Literature period 1, 2 and 4: Getting Acquainted with Slavery and Learning About Frederick Douglass

Exploring Slavery and Getting to Know More About about Slavery and Frederick Douglass
Directions: Select one documentary (preferably) or podcast or film and listen, read/watch. After or while watching complete a Reflective Journal documenting factual learning-- like specific times, places, locations, statistics, dates, and names. Yes! You may collaborate and decide to watch with a peer or decide to explore the same sources with a peer. Due Tuesday morning 9:00 am 
1. Who Was Frederick Douglass? The Official Website
2General Biography of Frederick Douglass.
3.  The Remarkable Life of Frederick Douglass Douglass NPR
4. Frederick Douglass Timeline
4. The Basic Biography Cartoon: Frederick Douglass (cant use this as already shown; however this can be a third source)
5. Frederick Douglass Video/Biography
6. The Economy that Slavery Built (highly recommended podcast)  Here is the URL Link:
A. How much do you know and understand about the concept of slavery? Take the assessment by following the link.  Write your score on a post it or sheet of paper. Slavery Knowledge Assessment. 
B. A Time Line of Slavery +Additional Resources
2. America: The Story of Us Frederick Douglass (short clip--good starting point)
3. Frederick Douglass: An American Life 1 in a series of 4
4. Slavery and the Making of America (53 minutes) Narrated by Morgan Freedman Link is here:

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

English Ten Period 2 and 6

1. Be sure to have finished reading your chunk #1 for Literature Circles.
2. Be sure to have completed your Dialectical Journal Entries (3) front and back for your Literature circle Novel Reading Chunk 1. Be sure to include Character Traits as needed, and DO NOT ONLY MAKE PERSONAL CONNECTIONS!!!!
3. Complete your Literature Circle Role Sheet! I will check before Silent Sustained Reading tomorrow!!!