Tuesday, April 7, 2015

English Ten Period 5

1. Re-read the article, "The Ways We Lie" Complete your SOAPS Sheet.
2. Write a reflection on the article: Summarize the article. Then, with what aspects do the article do you agree? Which of the "lies" listed are you most guilty of? Of which do you see occurring in our memoir, When I Was Puerto Rican?
2. Study the academic vocabulary: lie; omit; facade; deflect; delude; stereotype; connotation; denotation.

Honors English Ten Period 3

Carefully finish your Weekly SOAPS for the Article of the Week. We will correct in class on Wednesday. Additionally, write a one page reflection of the the piece, "What Kind of Town Bans Books' Be sure to include both an overall summary of the article, as well as your reactions to what happened, how it happened and why it happened.
2. Re-read Part II if needed of Fahrenheit 451. Answer questions: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11. You may answer on the back although I strongly urge you to use an additional sheet. Your responses should be thorough and complete. Each question is worth 4-5 points.
3. Literature Circle Novel #2 is on the way! Will either pick on Wednesday or next week on Monday.