Good Morning! You made it through what will hopefully be the last rough week this semester. I am crossing my fingers to see you all on Tuesday after we return from the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. Our lesson revolves around Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. First, you will do your Friday Freewrite using prompts from the 550 prompts for personal and narrative writing. This time, PLEASE UPLOAD YOUR JOURNAL for Points. Remember, once you pick your prompt, your response must be one page!
Here is the link to the prompts:
After uploading your journal response, the remainder of the class time/homework will be to consult any 4 of the following resources on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Some of the resources may be audio resources. Once you have visited the resources, you will complete a Reflective Journal detailing what you learned, surprises you encountered, questions you have, vocabulary, and how it connects with what you already know about King. You will also upload a one page summary/reflection. This assignment will lock on Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 10pm.
Here is the Reflective Journal Document: