Monday, February 28, 2022

Home Ownership and the American Dream periods 1 and 2

A word cloud is used to visualize and summarize all sorts of words and data visually. Today, you will create a rough draft of a Word Cloud with 12-15 words/synonyms that summarize the benefits of home ownership, or connecting home ownership to the American Dream.  For your Final Draft, you may use a computer word cloud generator Link here: or you may use white paper. Be sure to vary the SIZE of your words as well as the color. If you use worditout, you can play around with the color scheme and font size. 

Then, after creating your word cloud, write a summary in which you answer the following questions: Why did you select the words you did? How do they relate to the benefits of home ownership or connect home ownership to the American Dream? 

Entrance Slip: Homeownership and the American Dream.