Friday, May 10, 2019

American Literature Period 5

1. Read your Independent Novel approximately 30 pages over the weekend. Complete three new Journal Entries that are at least a half page and a half.
2. Review your timeline, and re-read parts of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass after chapter 8. Prepare your self for an in-class writing on how Frederick is developing and the evidence to support it.  What do you think makes him develop differently from other slaves?

American Literature Period 4

1. After the Unhappy Ending. Read your beginning to After the Unhappy Ending.  Then, write a new story, that begins the same way.  Work on your new short story and make it at least two pages.  OR if you like the first one, continue to develop it until it is at least two pages.
2. Those readers of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass, PRACTICE your reading sections!
3. Pick your new novel for Independent Reading and bring it to class! If you didnt finish your first one, then bring that to class EVERY DAY now!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

American Literature period 4

1. Be prepared for those students to read their assigned parts in class tomorrow and Monday.
2. Check rude, disrespectful attitudes and actions at the door OR be prepared to be held accountable  for them: U in Cooperation; Parent Phone Call; etc. You can be bored, behind, confused, down, hungry, sad--but disrespectful is not one of those options.
3. Working on your Chapter 1.