Friday, April 20, 2018

Period 1, 3, 4 American Literature

1. If you are able, finish your computer based Smarter Balanced Practice Test/Paper Copy for those without their chromebooks, finish the exam.
2. Find two sources (articles, etc) for your I-Search Paper. Carefully Read each source, then use the I-Search Reading Summary Sheet to summarize your article. The entire sheet must be completed.
3. Get rest for the Smarter Balanced Exam. You will have homework--research work. You should know your topic. NO more changing topics!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

American Literature Period 3 and 4

Homework: Based on todays reading and writing lesson--FINISH your introduction to your I-Search Essay. That means, write about the ideas you brainstormed. You may write about one or more than one. Remember to SHOW don't tell. Write about the event(s) as if they were actually happening.  You may type or handwrite, but I should clearly see that you took at least 20 minutes to write.
Period 3: Be sure to fully finish your transitional paragraph that we learned/practiced in today's writing workshop/class session.
2. Continue to look for research sources on your topic. Read one source per night and complete a Phase 3 sheet for each source.  The I-Search handouts are listed under classroom handouts.
3. Continue creating questions for your "A Raisin in The Sun" Multiple Choice Exam.

American Lit periods 3,4, and 1

Taking A Smarter Balanced Exam. To prepare for the computer adaptive Smarter Balanced Test, you will be taking a practice. You will need to use your Chromebook, and have scratch paper and headphones.
1. First, Visit the link
2. Then, Your Screen will say Guest User.  Simply Click "Sign-In"
3. Next, the screen will displayGUEST ID. There will be a small pull down menu that reads, "Grade" Select 11 for Eleventh Grade. Then scroll and click Yes
4. The next screen will take you to the test you will select. Go to ELA Practice Test. Click the first green arrow.
5. Next, the screen will ask you if you need modifications. Scroll down to Select, and click Select. 
6. The next screen will ask, "Is this Your Test"? Click Yes, Start My Test. 
7. Then, begin testing. Remember to use scratch paper to joy down ideas while listening to the audio questions! At the end of the test, click submit.  If your correct answers are displayed, please write the number correct you received. This practice should not include longer essay questions.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Reviewing Grammar and Usage

How and Why To Use Semi-Colons: Review the Why, When, Where, and How to use Semicolons with this short video: How To Use Semicolons by GrammarGirl

Am. Lit period 1 Homework

Great work on the opening narratives for your I-Search paper.  Finish your narrative tonight--note I said narrative! Not the entire I-search paper.  Then, at the end, write a paragraph that transitions you from your story to your interest in your topic.  For example, you could insert a statistic.  Don't worry if it sounds choppy or not, simply insert it.  If you need help, see me during break, lunch or briefly after school.
2. Continue working on our Multiple Choice Exam for A Raisin in The Sun. Perhaps, you can identify the five passages you would like to use. Or keep creating different types of questions. IF you haven't already done so, start typing your exam.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Sample I-Search Papers

The following are examples for I-search papers. Since they are from students who are in varying grades (not just juniors) do not decide to complete your I-search paper exactly like those that follow.  However, they are good examples of MLA formatting and use of first person pronoun!

Search Paper #1How Memories Are Made
I Search Paper Packet, with excerpts of student and professional models