Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Period 4 Finishing the ICA

 Today, we will finish the Performance Task of the ICA and the computer based test for those that need it! Please have scratch paper out to use to plan your essay and/or short constructed response.  Finishing the test is important!  Here is the link for today:

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

CA PErformance Task Finish

 Today, we must finish the Performance Task and or the Computer Based Test. 

Here is the link for the performance task for period 1

Here is TODAYS LINK period 2 for 03/07/23:

Monday, March 6, 2023

IAB Links for Literary Test

 Testing links for Monday, March 6, 2023 IAB Test.  Please be sure to have scratch paper and be sure to CLICK THE CORRECT LINK FOR YOUR CLASS PERIOD! 

Link for period 1: 

Period 2 Link

Period 6 Link for Editing Test 

Period 4 Link for IAB Test: