Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Godfather Essay Prompts

You are expected to use the full class time to write your essay. I will extend the time due to upload it as a result of the Schoology outage.  Please carefully read each of the prompts--there are seven of them. Your essay should demonstrate reading the entire novel.  Or you may choose to select a prompt and focus primarily on the second to latter end of the novel.  I understand that you will probably need additional time.  Do not consult other sources aside from your book, notes, etc. 
Essay prompts: The Godfather Timed Essay Prompts

Monday, March 30, 2020

Contemporary Comp period 1 and Honors Contemporary Comp period 2 Chat links

Good Morning! Today we are scheduled to have chats in period 1 and period 2.
The subjects were sent to you via Remind and Schoology.  Participation is expected and consists of: posing or responding to multiple questions.  Writing a one page reflection on the chat. I will post the reflection prompt ONLY IN THE CHAT.  Here is the link to Chatsy: Ms Guy's English Class Chat Room. Be sure to identify yourself. Be sure to engage each other and follow discussion protocols: I agree with xxxx, I respectfully disagree with....., I felt that....... Please use your phone for the chat. Several students informed me their home internet is either slow or down, so I decided this time to use Chatsy as it can be accessed by all using our phones.   Period two logon at 9:20 am.  Period 1 at 10:45 am