Friday, September 9, 2022

The Cold Equations

 Warm-up & Questions to Consider: What does it mean to be cold?  What jobs are careers can you think of where obedience is of extreme importance?  What does the phrase, "Obedience is better than sacrifice" mean, and do you agree with it? Why or why not? Link to pdf of text: The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin pdf Link to online Audio and Full Text:

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

African-American Literature Objectives

 Objectives: To re-consider: Why do we read and study literature in the first place? To understand the benefits of literary study professionally.  2. To identify key events in American/World history that have impacted African-American Literature.  3. To understand or begin to understand the act of writing for a Black person or Person of Color and the Duality involved. 4. To present information from Black Literary Timeline. 

Agenda. Review rules, protocols and procedures. 2.  To reconsider: Why read and Study literature? Why Read and Study Literature? What is Literature? What impact does literary study have on us professionally?  To use a reflection tool to record our ideas and thoughts: 3-2-1 Chart  or 3-2-1 Chart 

3. To Introduce the Beginnings of African-American Literature. What are key events, actions, conflicts, etc that influenced or helped create African-American Literature?  

Part 4: What is African-American Literature? Identify 5 key important dates, events, actions are movements paramount to African-American Literature. Then, share with a seat partner. 

Part 5: Group Work: Jigsaw.  In teams of 4 to 5 students, you are responsible for reading your section of material from The Beginnings of African-American Literature. In your group, you will identify your Group Members Names, Section Title, Key Event that happened in your section of the text; historical context; and how it impacted African-American literature and thought by providing details, summary, or bulleted statements. 

English Ten Objectives

 Objectives and Agenda

1. To identify weekly academic routines and the process for beginning class.

2. To Explore Essential Question: What Does Science Fiction Teach us about ourselves and our world? 

3. To understand why students study literature in English Class.  To reconsider: Why read and Study literature? Why Read and Study Literature? What is Literature? What impact does literary study have on us professionally?  To use a reflection tool to record our ideas and thoughts: 3-2-1 Chart  or 3-2-1 Chart 

To commit to using academic structures such as Article of The Week+SOAPS+Academic Summary+Question Formulation; Poetry Analysis and Journal Writing+Grammar/Sentence Combining.

American Literature Week's Objectives

 Good Morning! This Week our Objectives are as follows: 
1. To successfully find and use alternative communication methods such as Remind and Blogger for Communication. 
2. To reinforce learning routines such as Warm-Ups; SOAPS Analysis on Articles of The Week+Summary Writing; Question Generation, and Journal Writing. 

3. To reconsider: Why read and Study literature? Why Read and Study Literature? What is Literature? What impact does literary study have on us professionally?  To use a reflection tool to record our ideas and thoughts: 3-2-1 Chart  or 3-2-1 Chart 

4. To Introduce American Literary Periods. Which of the American Literary Periods do you think exerts the most impact on American character or society? 

5. To Consider Essential Questions: What Does it Mean to be American? To begin reading Foundational Documents 

Agenda: 1. Review Objectives 2. Join Remind Class if you haven't. Period 1: Period 2 Period 4: Period 6: 

3. Activities related to literary study: Warm-Up: Why Read and Study Literature?  View two short videos about literature and literary study? Plus mini lecture by Ms. Guy.  4. Read short article as class: Why I Hire English Majors. Review what we learned by using the 3-2-1 Chart.  

4. Introduce: American Literary Periods Jigsaw among groups. Groups present their slide share out how they believe that period impacted American society or how or why it might be important.  5. Homework: What Does It Mean To Be American? Or Live in American?