Friday, May 15, 2020

All Classes Contemporary Composition

No Friday Freewrite Today! If you would simply like to write in your journal because it is therapeutic, feel free to do so.  No uploads needed. you may post a journal on your blog if desired.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Narrative of Frederick Douglass Audio Resources Period 1, 2, 4

There are several resources for you to HEAR the Narrative of Frederick Douglass while you read it.
Once site is read by Josh Banks. He has audio of Chapters 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Here are several links to the entire Narrative Audio
The Narrative of Frederick Douglass Audiobook complete with chapter markings (recorded by Jessie Zuba)
The Narrative of Frederick Douglass (free read by Marvin Payne

Period 1 What is Annotation? Exploring The Hypothesis Student Resource Guide

Yesterday, we began to use a new tool, after we agreed that reading an online text can be tough to engage.  First, students completed the Google Form to give share their feelings about reading online versus with a text.  Then, students joined our Contemporary Composition class group on Hypothesis.  After creating an account, students were able to see the entire text of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass online. Then, they practiced making an annotation. For this assignment, you will review What is Annotation? and then visit several places in the Hypothesis student guide (as promised) to learn more about the process. You will compete a Reflective journal once you have visited the required hyperlinks inside the student resource guide.   All assignments have been uploaded to Schoology regarding understanding annotation and visiting the student guide of hypothesis. Be sure to consult schoology for your assignment deadlines and due dates.