Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Honors Contemporary Comp. period 2

 Good Morning Class! As promised, I am in a training for our local district! This means we will PHYSICALLY miss seeing each other for instruction, but you are still responsible for the following: 

Honors Contemporary Composition 

  1. Log in to the Google Form for Attendance

  2. Carefully Read or Read The Crucible, Act 1 Scene 1. You may read and listen at the same time by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v57nVxOMhsM

  3. Create Three Character Bio-Poems based on YOUR understanding of the play so far.  Do one character bio-poem for each of the following: Tituba; Revered Parris, Abigail. 

Do not use or consult any other sources or copy examples from online. Any such dishonesty will result in a zero on the assignment and parent/counselor contact. 

You may handwrite or type all three on the same page if you are able to format them correctly. 

You may use the rest of your time to review or correctly finish your Somebody Wanted But Sos.