Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Honors Contemporary Composition period 2 and Period 4

Good Morning. Today, we BOTH READ and MARK A copy of the transcript The Future of Ocean Life is Bleak if We Don't Cut Carbon Emissions.  Mrs. Wilson has the handouts on her desk.
1. Pass out the transcript copies and first listen/watch on your chromebook https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/the-future-of-ocean-life-is-bleak-if-we-dont-cut-carbon-emissions If possible, a student can pull up on the large screen.
2. Then, re-read the transcript.
3. Then write down a most important fact for 5 chunks of the text. Write these in the boxes on the back of your KWL Handout on Coral Reefs and Climate Change. If you dont have a handout, makes notes on your own paper.
4. Lastly, review your notes, and the transcript. Tomorrow, all classes will complete the Multiple Choice and Short constructed response.
4. Words to look up: Claim and Counterclaim.

Can you access our podcast from listenwise?

Please click the link to see if you are able to access the podcast on listenwise without having to create a student log-in. Link here https://listenwise.com/teach/lessons/63-corals-and-climate-change
Join listenwise using your my mail account.  Then re-read/re-listen to the podcast on Coral Reefs and Climate Change.  Then use the bottom of your KWL to record information information, definitions and quotes from the podcast.
Elaboration: Click link here