Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Honors English Ten Homework

1. W. Buckley Jr. is an educated writer. Why do you think he uses the word "complain' even though it has a negative connotation? Why not, "Why don't we protest"? or "why doent we speak up? 2. The little short stories Buckley uses are called anecdotes. How do the anecdotes increase Buckley's credibility? 3. What connection is Buckley making between patriotism and complaining? 4. Do you agree that technology has made us automatons? Are we helpless? 5. Buckley wrote this is 1961. How might you modify his message for your generation? 6. Connect "Why don't we complain" to Lord of the Flies? 7. Write (or at least begin a narrative ) in which you narrate (the the story of) a time when you did not complain?

Monday, November 5, 2012

American Literature Study Questions November 5

american Literature Period 5 Directions Carefuly finish reading Chapter 6, answer the study questions as well as everything else below. 1. Be sure to answer 1-10 (blue Paper) using your character trait words--this was the completing thesis statement handout. 2. Finish reading Gatbsy Chapter 6 and do the following: 1. Summarize the chapter. 3. Answer the following: What do we learn about Gatby's humble beginnings in chapter 4. What is Gatsby's real name? Who are his parents? Where does he come from? Who is Dan Cody? What happens to Dan Cody's money? Why does Gatbsy not get the promised inheirtance from cody and how does this influence Gatsby's behavior---hint, what does GAtbsy not do because of what happened to Dan Cody? Reflection: How is Gatbsy's history different from your expectations of him? Bring Essay Sheet and be prepared to brainstorm and write a first draft.