Thursday, December 17, 2020

Junior Fail Notification Letter and Edgenuity Boost Instructions

If you received a grade of "Fail" on your twenty week report card, please click to learn more how to enroll in the EDGENUITY Booster Course to raise your grade. 
Start here: Junior Fail Information Letter 
Next go here: Edgenuity Enrollment Directions
You will enroll in the course: LL Language Arts 11-ELA3011CR

Please note, the Winter Break Reading IS NOT THE SAME as the Edgenuity Booster Assignment. Any student with an "F" MUST DO the Edgenuity Booster Module to boost their grade.  The Winter Break Reading IS OPTIONAL and encouraged, but is still optional. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Book Tasting Assignment

 Good Morning! here you will find the document to assist in your Book Tasting Assignment for today. As promised, even if YOU ARE UNSURE OR KNOW YOU WONT OR CANT READ DURING BREAK, full completion of the assignment that demonstrates you did it, is worth 25 points for classwork. Please finish the assignment and exit slip by today at 11:45 am so I can get your points in.  This should be a fun exploratory assignment and a way to earn some points before 20 grades are due.  Here is the link to the book list: Book Tasting List  . The Exit Slip will be posted at 09: 50 am.

Monday, November 23, 2020

American Literature Intervention Periods 1 and 2

American Literature Periods 1 and 2 Intervention Assignments.  As previously stated: Intervention is to help you PASS a course. Meaning, if you have a F or D, the goal is to give you three or four assignments to get you within pass range. You still must complete the remainder  of the semesters assignments. As stated you may make up two SOAPS, however, the readings can no longer be STUDENT CHOICE readings.  They must be from the selections listed here: If you are missing (1) SOAPS--Choose from the Following to Read: from Dear Abigail + SOAPS; from The Life of Olaudah Equiano pg 97 Read + SOAPS. Here is the link to the entire pdf with everything:

If missing two SOAPS then complete both of the above. 

If you are missing Comprehension Questions for Dec of Independence, then Read pages 73-79 + and complete the Comprehension questions there on page 78; 79

If you did not write your Declaration of Independence it is due Sunday by Midnight. 

Dear Ms. Guy letter-- Sunday by Midnight

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Learning More About and Celebrating Thanksgiving

 Over the next 2-3 days, we will have the chance to explore and learn more about the first Thanksgiving by visiting and viewing a variety of sources--most primarily from Digital History and the History Channel. We will explore and learn about the first Thanksgiving, the Thanksgiving Meal; and when Thanksgiving became a legal holiday in the United States. Additionally, after sharing our own modelled Declaration of Independence, we will read the Iroquois Constitution-- a document that represented collaboration among several Native American Tribes

Other Links: Backstory: The History of Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Asynchronous Assignment: Thursday November 12, 2020 Honors American Literature

 1. Find any Expository text of your choice and do what? Read! Enjoy reading an article from The New York Times; or The Huffington Post; our unit Writing Freedom or Time Magazine or listening to a podcast from Radio Rookies.  After reading, complete a SOAPS Analysis + Academic Summary. Due today by 4 pm.  Here are a few NEWER articles written by teens: How Do You Feel About Winter This Year? 

How Should We Remember The Problematic Actions of The Nations Founders?  Or select a student friendly/student written text/essay/article from the New York Times by clicking here:  If you would like, you and a partner or group can read THE SAME TEXT--but you must still SUBMIT YOUR OWN WORK/SOAPS that should not be exactly the same as a partner or group member. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

H. American Literature period 1: Video Engagement Lesson

Please complete the following assignment by 6pm.  Watch the episode: America, The Story of Us from the History Channel. The intriguing video provides an understanding of aspects of the early beginnings of Colonial Settlement.  Please take notes on names, dates and people you find intriguing. Don't write so much that you dont enjoy the video, but watch the video without taking notes. For example--which was the first settled colony; who came to the new world; what was America founded on (which crop)? What was the starving time? Who were the settlers who founded Plymouth?  Upload your notes (you may handwrite and screenshot, or type a word or google doc and upload). Include at least 10 questions that you have about your viewing of the video with your notes. 

Find the link here: America: The Story of Us Rebels and Revolution

Monday, September 21, 2020

Writing Freedom

 Please use the attachment: Writing Freedom for our first Unit in American Literature. the link to the PDF is found here: Complete Texts in Unit 1 Writing Freedom

Friday, September 11, 2020

Advisory Videos and Attendance for Friday, 09/11/20

 Please complete the Google Form for Attendance. Click link here: Advisory Attendance 

Please review the homeroom announcements: Applications and constitutions for clubs are due today. The application and more information can be found on the school website: clubs:

Monday, August 24, 2020

Dear Students Letter

 Dear Students--please find my letter to you here: Read it, and then compose your own letter to me. Upload to Schoology by Wednesday morning at 8:00 am! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Distance Learning Survey; Essay Reflection; and Analysis of Essay Exemplars (Period 1,2,4)

Dear Students, in an effort to reflect and improve our writing, you have two tasks which can earn you an additional 70 points, plus the distance learning survey which is 20 points.  All Assignments must be competed TODAY. No Extensions as grades are due tomorrow. Some of you are content with the grade you may have. If you are borderline, or you know your essay is not strong, I urge you to consider at least 2 of 2 tasks that follow: Analysis of  Exemplary or Discerning Timed Final Essay-- I would do this FIRST. Select one of four essays--now, all essays did not receive the same score! (I wanted to pick at least 1 Essay from each class, and each essay does something well in light of time constraints!) (Exemplar #1; Exemplar 2, Exemplar #3  or Exemplar 4 )which at the time of this post, were found to be (extremely) thoughtful, discerning or exemplary.  Use that essay to answer the following (yes, if you would like to consult more than one, you may) questions:
1. Pay attention to the essay's beginning. How does (or do, if you look at two essays) the essay commence (begin)? Does this hold your attention?
1b: How can you tell that the author is writing and not speaking? What aspects of the essay demonstrate the writer planned to write an essay and not give a "talk" about the issue?
2. Is there a claim or thesis in the first or second paragraph that seems to guide the writing? How does the writer signal to you they know where they are going?
3. How does the author demonstrate a reading of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass that is a 4+, 5 or 6? What are two things that they writing does?
4. How does the author handle: textual support, evidence from other sources, quotes/statistics?
5. Does the writer write enough? That is, are you as the reader satisfied with their analysis given the time frame?
6. What, if anything could the author do to improve the writing? Add more textual evidence from Frederick Douglass? Check spelling? Develop ideas and paragraphs more?
2. Reflection on YOUR OWN Final Essay (questions are already upload in Schoology). Window closes tonight at 9:00 pm
3.  Complete the Distance Learning Survey if you haven't already done so. Will close at 7pm. All students can do this. 


Friday, May 29, 2020

Friday Freewrite: Friday, May 29, 2020

1. As always, you may respond to a journal topic from previous weeks or you may write about whatever you would like.
2.  As we near the end of a school term, write a letter to an underclassmen. In your letter, you may want to discuss the highs and lows of high school life, and habits to form in order to be successful.
3. Read about Ahmad Arbery, George Floyd or Breonna Taylor--and write a eulogy in the form of a poem or haiku.
4. Write about your summer plans.  What do you intend to do academically,  for relaxation and enjoyment, and for personal growth?

Friday, May 15, 2020

All Classes Contemporary Composition

No Friday Freewrite Today! If you would simply like to write in your journal because it is therapeutic, feel free to do so.  No uploads needed. you may post a journal on your blog if desired.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Narrative of Frederick Douglass Audio Resources Period 1, 2, 4

There are several resources for you to HEAR the Narrative of Frederick Douglass while you read it.
Once site is read by Josh Banks. He has audio of Chapters 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Here are several links to the entire Narrative Audio
The Narrative of Frederick Douglass Audiobook complete with chapter markings (recorded by Jessie Zuba)
The Narrative of Frederick Douglass (free read by Marvin Payne

Period 1 What is Annotation? Exploring The Hypothesis Student Resource Guide

Yesterday, we began to use a new tool, after we agreed that reading an online text can be tough to engage.  First, students completed the Google Form to give share their feelings about reading online versus with a text.  Then, students joined our Contemporary Composition class group on Hypothesis.  After creating an account, students were able to see the entire text of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass online. Then, they practiced making an annotation. For this assignment, you will review What is Annotation? and then visit several places in the Hypothesis student guide (as promised) to learn more about the process. You will compete a Reflective journal once you have visited the required hyperlinks inside the student resource guide.   All assignments have been uploaded to Schoology regarding understanding annotation and visiting the student guide of hypothesis. Be sure to consult schoology for your assignment deadlines and due dates.  

Friday, May 8, 2020

H Contemp Comp

Don't forget to add your reflection to our Google Slide Deck regarding your exploration of Slavery and Frederick Douglass. Link to Slide Deck here:
Be sure to carefully read Chapters 2-4 of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass.  I have CHANGED The Assignment.  Although teams will be presenting Chapters 2-4, you only need to select one chapter of YOUR Choice to do your SOAPS on. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Contemporary Comp period 1

1. Carefully read The Narrative of Frederick Douglass Chapters 1-4. Here is an audiobook link in addition to the one posted under Class Readings and handouts. 
2. Complete the SOAPS Analysis for the Chapters assigned. 
3. Complete the Inference Assessment in Schoology. 
Remember class is next Tuesday from 9:00 am -10:30 am 

Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday Freewrite: All Classes

Happy Friday, and Happy May Day!  Select any topic from last week or the week before for your Friday Freewrite! Or you may want to write a reflection about yourself and who you have become while on quarantine.  Upload your page of writing or more to schoology OR post your response on your blog! 25 points for posting your response on your blog by 6 pm.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Freewrite Journal Prompts

Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!As always:
1. You may type or handwrite your journal responses 2. You must write at least a page. 3. Feel free to select more than one prompt!  You may ALWAYS select a topic from last week or the previous week that you enjoyed and did not respond to OR YOUR OWN topic.  Other topics: During this COVID-19 Pandemic, we've all noticed that their are people and things that we take for granted, and there are things that we've realized we really don't need.  Write about an object/thing that you've realized that you really don't need, or need as much of as you think.  Topic 2:During the COVID 19 Pandemic, we also have hopefully learned something new about ourselves,  interests, abilities or skillsets.  Write about an interest or skillset that you have but perhaps did not realize it because of the distractions associated with our pre-COVID 19 lives.   
Topic 3: Has the current pandemic and economic fallout shifted your focus or post secondary plans? Have you considered changing a major; double majoring, or changing a career focus? Discuss.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday Freewrite Prompts

Friday Freewrite Topics: Please select any one of the following and respond. You may write your journal and then take a picture or you may type it.  It should be AT LEAST a page but can be longer than a page! (of course you can always write about what you want):
 Friday Freewrite prompts:
  • Describe the perfect date.
  • What is courage? What is the most courageous thing you have done?
  • Describe a hero. It can be either someone you know or simply qualities of a hero.
  • What is your favorite activity? Who do you do it with? Why do you think you enjoy it?
  • Write about a good book you’ve read recently.
  • The best and worst parts of quarantine are…
  • What will you do differently when you’re a parent? Why?
  • Do you spend too much time with electronic devices? Why/why not?
  • What do you think should have or should NOT have been invented and why? 
  • List one major world problem and how you think we should solve it.
  • Do you think that there is or ever was life on another planet?
  • What is the most important issue facing teens your age today? 
  • Were you ever given a responsibility that you couldn’t handle? 
  • Describe the best concert you ever attended.
  •  Write about a time you tried to help and ended up making things worse.
  • Did you ever break an important promise?
  • Write about moving to another city or neighborhood or house.
  • Did you ever meet a famous person? Interact with them on social media?
  • Describe a car or bicycle accident you were in.
  • If you could spend a day spent in another country, which would you choose? Why?
  • Describe a time that you out-smarted someone.
  • Write about going shopping for new clothes.
  • Did you ever turn someone in or tell on someone and feel bad about it later?
  • Was there a time your parents embarrassed you?
  • Can you remember a time you gave someone good advice? What was it?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Godfather Essay Prompts

You are expected to use the full class time to write your essay. I will extend the time due to upload it as a result of the Schoology outage.  Please carefully read each of the prompts--there are seven of them. Your essay should demonstrate reading the entire novel.  Or you may choose to select a prompt and focus primarily on the second to latter end of the novel.  I understand that you will probably need additional time.  Do not consult other sources aside from your book, notes, etc. 
Essay prompts: The Godfather Timed Essay Prompts

Monday, March 30, 2020

Contemporary Comp period 1 and Honors Contemporary Comp period 2 Chat links

Good Morning! Today we are scheduled to have chats in period 1 and period 2.
The subjects were sent to you via Remind and Schoology.  Participation is expected and consists of: posing or responding to multiple questions.  Writing a one page reflection on the chat. I will post the reflection prompt ONLY IN THE CHAT.  Here is the link to Chatsy: Ms Guy's English Class Chat Room. Be sure to identify yourself. Be sure to engage each other and follow discussion protocols: I agree with xxxx, I respectfully disagree with....., I felt that....... Please use your phone for the chat. Several students informed me their home internet is either slow or down, so I decided this time to use Chatsy as it can be accessed by all using our phones.   Period two logon at 9:20 am.  Period 1 at 10:45 am 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Freewrite For March 27th

Friday Freewrite Topics:
Directions: Do remember that you response can be typed or handwritten in your journal, if possible or on another sheet of paper. Responses must be a FULL page!
1. Any topic you have not written in the past, you may respond to.
2.  Freewrite: Write about whatever you want, in the format you want, as long as it is a page.
3. What did you do this week that is out of the ordinary? Write about something fun you did (did you make a Tik-Tok video; play a game with a sibling or parent)? What did you do this week that was fun?
4.  Write a thank you letter to a parent, teacher, Boys and Girls staff member who you really took for granted or perhaps miss or appreciate more.  Your thank you letter should be at least three paragraphs and have a salutation, (Dear...............,) following be the body of your letter and a closing.    You DO NOT have to email the letter unless you would like to provided that it is grammar and spell checked!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

SOAPS Example

If you still are wondering how to strengthen your SOAPS, here is one from Ogechi on our last class-wide article.  Ogechi SOAPS . If you missed yesterday's conference, please know that I will NO LONGER ALLOW SOAPS and SUMMARY Resubmits as of March 13th.   I have provided examples, the rubric, and a lesson on "Whats Wrong with the Following SOAPS" in which you turned and talked about the problems of vague language and pronouns.
Lastly, I did not post anything today.   All teachers must log in for a faculty meeting today at 3.  After that meeting, I will begin to grade non-digital (paper) assignments that I was backlogged on.   I do hope all are well.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Class Check In Today During Your Class Period

Please log-in to Schoology Conference TODAY, during your class period--the first 6 minutes, for a conference/check-in with me regarding: Digital Learning Tools; Next Unit; Assignment Expectations; Grading Focus; as well as Digital Study Buddies. 
Period 1 your conference will begin at 8:45 am
Period 2, your conference will begin at 9:45 am
Period 4, your conference will begin at 11:45 am
Period 5, yours at 1:25
Period 6 2:20
If the conference DOESNT WORK, I will try to to get us all over to Chatsy.  Here is the link to Chatsy just in case:Ms. Guys English Class Chat

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Ms. Guy's Digital English All Classes

Good Morning Students!
Please be ready to participate in a distance learning chat/webinar, Monday March 23rd during your class period (we are following the Friday Schedule each day).
In the chat or webinar I will share digital learning tips and expectations for projects, writing assignments and warm-ups; reading assignments and demonstration of reading; parental and classroom collaboration and grading for my English classes.  Check the King Drew Bell Schedule for Friday for your assigned chat hour.  Class Calendars (up to April 1) be found here: 
Period 1 Contemporary Composition 
Period 2 Honors Contemporary Composition 
Period 4 Contemporary Composition 

Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday Freewrite topics: All Classes

Here is the link to today's Firday Freewrite/Journal Prompts.  Since we are not so "free" I have included special topics for you.  We all must respond to two topics: One creative and one practical.
Link here to the Google Document.  Be sure to read it carefully.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Contemporary Composition Period 1: The Finale of The Crucible.

Good Morning! I believe I have found a link for you to be able to finish viewing The Crucible and using your Note and Notice Protocol to note the following: Aha Moments (Epiphany); Tough Questions; Contrasts & Contradictions; Repetition (Again and Again).  Click here to view the film-- I had to find a free version so the quality is NOT the same.  I have hyperlinked the Note and Notice Signposts . Download it and make two copies and then you have multiple copies that you can submit.  View the remainder of the film, and you complete at least 6 more instances of contrasts and contradictions, aha moments, repetition (again and again); and tough questions.  What does the author/director want us to know or think thematically about each of these? If the link above does not work: try this one: 
Test Video Link 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Agendas and Plans for Periods 1, 2, 4

Good Morning! For Period 1, I am still locating a link for The Crucible.  As all of my classes know, I had a plumbing failure and I began taking care of that yesterday.  I will be working today grading assignments submitted electronically. I will also post assignments for Week 1, and then alert you through Remind that they are posted.  I will also hold office hours for questions using Schoology Conference, Google Hangouts, or possibly Flipgrid.  At least three assignments will ask for you to talk with wither a parent or your school colleagues.  More details coming later! Be well. Ms. Guy

Monday, March 16, 2020

Period 1 Contemporary Composition

Good Morning! I will post our objectives and lesson plan today by 6 pm.  Our first Article of the Week is here: Your Phone is a Nasty Cesspool  + SOAPS/Summary. Read the Article, and complete both an electronic SOAPS + Summary and upload to Schoology.  I am also looking for a link to the Crucible.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Week 1 Agenda: Honors Contemporary Composition period 2

1. Read Article of the Week: Your Phone is a Nasty Cesspool  + SOAPS/Summary
2. Complements to Traditional Medicine:
Herbs and Spices with Antimicrobial Properties. Look up and write out a few of the uses and the antimicrobial properties of at least 4 of the following. You are encouraged to research more: 1. Cinnamon 2. Oregano 3. Cumin/Black Seed 4. Green Tea. 5. Ginger. 6. Clove.
Read: Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Spices
Then, write a one page reflection on what you learned, and how one or two might me used in your household.
3. Independent Reading Novels. Must be finished by Thursday. Update your padlets to ensure you have a total of 20. You may have more. I passed out journals so that you may include entries from your journals.
4.  Read/Listen to When Should Schools Close for Coronavirus?  I will post at least three other articles/text on the subject of the corona virus and public health. You will write a two page essay in which you identify your own claim and support with evidence.
5. You will have at least two articles of the week each week in addition to the above.
6. You will do an online Chat of Chapter 24 of the Godfather including a discussion of the symbolism of Appollonia.
7. We will finish The Godfather and discuss using online literature circles
8. We will begin our unit, "What does it mean to be free" online.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Honors Contemporary Composition Period 2

1. Carefully read The Godfather Chapter 24 and complete the appropriate literature circle role sheet you got in class. If you were absent, download one under Class Readings and Handouts.
2. Stretch your autobiographical sketch/narrative about a time you made a poor choice.  Goal is to get it to at least a page with dialogue, details and imagery.
3. Keep reading independent novel, adding responses to padlet, and include the Gif, Interview clip, picture and song related thematically to a chapter or the text as a whole!
4. Be ready to continue discussion of lit term categories.

Contemporary Composition period 1 Homework

Reflect on your viewing thus far of The Crucible.  Be sure to have a total of 6 examples of: Contrasts and Contradictions; Aha Moment; Tough Question; Again and Again based on our viewing of the movie The Crucible.  Select any three of them and write paragraphs about why you noticed them or the contradiction you saw, or the tough questions being asked. 
2. No article of the week-- we will have a class article or podcast on Monday or Tuesday of next week.
3. Reflect--what can you do to improve your scores?
4.  Bring your Independent Reading Novel to class on Monday.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Honors Con. Composition period 2

1.  Re-read and complete a SOAPS Analysis of "Why Men Reason Poorly" by John Locke. Will check it at the door.
2.  Create ten questions that you have about the text, "Why Men Reason Poorly"
3. Use Padlet to organize the literary terms on the green sheet in meaningful categories.
4. Continue reading your independent novel and making the needed additions to your padlet--interview with author, picture of author, author reading some of the novel; and a gif or song related to the novel
5. Article of the week: due Monday 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

What's Wrong With The following

What wrong? Analyze the following responses and correct them
Exit Ticket: Was this lesson helpful?

Contemporary and Honors Contemporary Comp. period 2

You should be reading your independent novel and should be finishing up by early next week. I expect all students to have at least 15-20 Digital Journal Entries (Padlet Posts) which must include audio/visual uploads.  Please upload the following: A Clip of the author of your text either being interviewed or reading a portion of the text; a picture of the author of the text; a song that is connected to the protagonist or antagonist or other literary element; and lastly a theme posting.  We will share our padlets in small groups beginning next week.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Contemporary Composition period 1

1. First read: Why Men Reason so poorly. Annotate the text, underline main ideas; circle unfamiliar words, *** ideas we've heard in class; or use the know and wonder or aha moment or contrast or contradictions protocols to mark the text.
2. Read and do a SOAPS Analysis form for an article, commentary or PODCAST of YOUR Choice. Do not use a song!
3. Read your novel at least 20 pages. Next week is last week of reading this novel before projects assigned!

Monday, February 24, 2020

Agendas for Periods 1,2 and 4

American Literature
You will need a Chromebook to take the Smarter Balanced Practice Exam that is uploaded in Schoology. It should take no more than 30 minutes,if you carefully read each of the questions.  Honoring Kobe Bryant. Today is Mamba Day.  Write a one page reflection
on what Kobe Bryant means/meant to you, or a eulogy honoring him. You may also draw a picture or
write a rap or a poem of at least 15 lines or more. If you are stuck on #2,
you may read an article or commentary about Forever Mamba: The Life and Legacy of Kobe Bryant
and complete a SOAPS. Submit to Mrs. Hutchinson.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Contemporary Composition period 4

Weekend Freewrite: Select one of the following journal topics and respond:
1. Have you ever done something to your parents that you regretted?
2. If you started a business tomorrow what would it be and why?
3. If a loved one was to serenade you, what song would you want them to sing to you and why?
4. Have you ever contributed to the development of something you were proud of? What was it and why?
Your response must be a page in your journal!
2. Review your response to the prompt, "Why do we/people make poor choices?" List as many reasons, reactions or commentary. Be ready to repeat and share.
3.  Identifying Claims and Counter Claims. If a claim, then provide a counter claim. If the statement is not a claim, state why.
4. Continue reading in your novel. Goal: read 40 pages

Period 1 Contemporary Composition

Complete three more Dialectical Journals for 30-60 pages of Reading. You will use the Know and Notice Format for begin your entries.  Read enough your your novel to finish, or be within reach of finishing.  The handouts have also been uploaded.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Period 1 Contemporary Comp (American Literature)

1. Finish your response to your reading using the NEW ways of responding (Note and Notice) that we learned in class.  Then, create a dialectical journal using Padlet or a paper journal in which you ELABORATE on the ideas and response type you selected in class (Text to Text; Text to Self; Text to World; Aha Moment; Contrasts and Contradictions; Flashback, etc.)
2. Read an additional 20-30 pages from your novel. Create another DJ Entry using TWO of the methods we learned today.  I have attached the handouts under Classroom Readings and Handouts.

H. Contemporary Composition period 2

1. Read and mark the non-fiction text, "Why Mean Reason [So] Poorly"by John Locke. Come to class with your copy marked, annotated, with the main idea of each paragraph underlined, unfamiliar words circled, parts of the essay you agree with or connections you make with our text The Godfather, or another text written out! Expect to engage this text more and create/answer questions with it.
2. Continue reading your Independent Reading Novel (30 pages) and two more DJ's.
3. Bring "Why Men Reason So Poorly"; The Godfather; and your own novel to class on Thursday!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Contemporary Composition Period 1

1. Complete a full SOAPS Analysis AND an academic summary. Your choice, but it must be an opinion piece or commentary. No newstory.
2.  Read 30-45 pages in your novel and create two more Digital or paper dialectical journals.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

H. Contemporary Composition per 2

1. Read at least 20 pages in your novel, and complete journal entries on your digital platform.
2. Re-read the Eulogy assignment for Sonny and have a written or printed copy of your draft available.
3. Bring both books- The Godfather and Independent Reading Novel to Class.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Career Day Speakers Form

All Classes: Use this form to record reactions, thoughts, questions for your Career Day Speaker. Click here: Speakers Form 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Agenda for Periods 2, and 4

Click the link to access your Agenda. The guest teachers have been provided this notification as well.
Additionally, period 4, the link to the Video about the Periods of American Literature and the Powerpoint for you to read and take notes on EACH literary period can be found by clicking here:
Powerpoint of Periods of American Literature. A quick video can be found here: Video of first 5 periods of American Literature. We will have a quiz on the first five literary periods next week- Monday.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Agenda for English Periods 1 and 2

Good Morning! As promised, please complete the assignment that I sent to you on Shmoop.  If you have not created a Shmoop Account, you will need to create an account, then add our class.  The The Magic Student Word is : UNSATISFYING. My email address is LGUY@LAUSD.NET. The Class Code for Period 1 is 36411 and for Period 2: f140 The following students can assist you: Guadeloupe; Jaylen; Jose; Edwin (period 1) and Reggie, Daphne; Seth; and Kyla (period 2) with creating an account and then adding our class.
1. Silent Reading of your novel 15 min (period 1)
2. Digital Dialectical Journal Entry.  There are Reading Reaction Records near the SOAPS Tray if you want to complete a paper journal instead. Submit to Mrs. Wilson.
3. Take the Shmoop Drills Assigned to your class.
4.  Finish your Article of the week SOAPS and submit to Mrs. Wilson
5. Period 1: Use the two sources that follow  traditional timeline and a pictorial timeline, called, Storyboard That of the American Literary Periods.  Create your own timeline of sorts with the Name of the Literary Period; the dates; and 2 concerns or issues writing of that time period addressed.
Period 2 Reflection: Type and upload a one page reflection answering the following: "How do you think gender/sex influences thinking and decision making?" Use knowledge from yesterdays brief discussion/warm-up in your answer.

11the Grade English Agenda and Obectives

Objectives: To create a NEW account or use a preexisting account with a learning management platform: Shmoop
To demonstrate evidence of reading comprehension through Article of The Week; Academic Summary/Vocabulary Study.
To discuss Do Men/Boys Think in Different Ways or Reason Differently than Women/Girls?
What does the science say?
To Analyze Characters in The Godfather by discussing their character and reading a text, "Why Men Reason Poorly" and writing a Eulogy for Sonny from any of the followings character point of views: the Don; Hagen; Connie; Michael; or Mother Corleone.
To continue to read our own novel and make journal entries using the Say, Mean, Matter or Matter, Mean, Say Format either online (padlet) or on paper.
To complete a two paragraph response to our CFA#3 on Coral Reefs.
To take a Diagnostic Assessment in Shmoop.
To begin a New Unit: The Enlightenment and The Narrative of Frederick Douglass.
Homework Period 4: Finish your SOAPS and Summary if you did not finish. Read an additional 10-15 pages of your novel and then create a Digital Journal based on your reading.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Friday Freewrite: Set A One Word Theme for 2020

Link to brief article from Forge Magazine Online: Set A One Word theme for 2020
After thinking about your one word theme, write a page about the word, and why you will direct your attention and energy to this word in your academic, and personal endeavors.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Schmoop Invitation American Literature Period 4

Dear Students, we will be adding the Smarter Balanced Practice with Shmoop. You will need to enter a student magic word: UNSATISFYING and then also when prompted enter the code: ff4b4.
I will assign warm-ups and Smarter Balanced Practice weekly. The practices will count toward our grade for both completion and growth! Let's Shmoop! 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Novel Introduction

Click on the link to record your novel introduction on Flipgrid.

The Crucible

In The Crucible, there is clear evidence that the people accused of witch craft arent really witches and the accusers have something to gain.  Why do people including the courts still believe the accusers and not the accused?

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Monday, January 27, 2020

Contemporary Composition period 4

1. Complete pages 28-29 in your Vocabulary Workbook on the word claim.
2. Complete a SOAPS for this weeks "funny" Article of the The Week, "Dear Student, No I Won't Change the Grade You Deserve"
3. Then, on the Claim handout- for each of the 5 sentences that are not claims, MAKE THEM INTO CLAIMS.  For each sentence that has a CLAIM: Write a Counter-claim for that statement.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Honors Contemporary Composition period 2 and Period 4

Good Morning. Today, we BOTH READ and MARK A copy of the transcript The Future of Ocean Life is Bleak if We Don't Cut Carbon Emissions.  Mrs. Wilson has the handouts on her desk.
1. Pass out the transcript copies and first listen/watch on your chromebook If possible, a student can pull up on the large screen.
2. Then, re-read the transcript.
3. Then write down a most important fact for 5 chunks of the text. Write these in the boxes on the back of your KWL Handout on Coral Reefs and Climate Change. If you dont have a handout, makes notes on your own paper.
4. Lastly, review your notes, and the transcript. Tomorrow, all classes will complete the Multiple Choice and Short constructed response.
4. Words to look up: Claim and Counterclaim.

Can you access our podcast from listenwise?

Please click the link to see if you are able to access the podcast on listenwise without having to create a student log-in. Link here
Join listenwise using your my mail account.  Then re-read/re-listen to the podcast on Coral Reefs and Climate Change.  Then use the bottom of your KWL to record information information, definitions and quotes from the podcast.
Elaboration: Click link here

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Contemporary Composition Periods 1, 2 and 4

This week, we will read TWO article of the week that revolve around on effort.
The first one is here: Grades Must Reflect Mastery Not Effort
The Second is here: Dear Student, No I Won't Change The Grade You Deserve
First, we will read and analysis both using the SOAPS Protocol. Then we will follow with summaries/precis/ and other instructional moves.
Homework Period 1: Complete a SOAPS on the first Article, " Grades Must Reflect Mastery, Not Effort". No Summary needed.  Then, on another sheet--to stay in your notebook, copy the Language For Academic Discussions. You will have a total of thirty statements copied.
H. Contemporary Composition period 2: same as period 1. Read the first article, complete a SOAPS Analysis; and copy the response frames.