Friday, July 22, 2016

Declaration of Independence Reflection

Carefully read each of the following statements.  Then write a reflection that is at least one full page. Reflections less than a page will not be accepted.
1. Reflect on the process of reading another student's paper and discussing with another student. How did it feel to discuss another students writing in front of them?
If you were the student whose work was discussed: How did that feel to hear another student discuss your work in front of you? Elaborate.
2. Reflect on your reading of The Declaration of Independence. Reflect on creating your own.  What made you select the topic you did? Do you think this assignment helped identify a goal to accomplish? Does it help you take responsibility?? Would you consider this a social justice assignment? Do you think it helped you mature as a writer? Discuss how you feel about your declaration.

Peer Editing

Tomorrow, Friday, is Peer Editing Day! In each class, students will have the opportunity to provide feedback on one to two student essays.Your essays will be blind scored. This means you will not know whose essay you are editing.  You will provide feedback on the essay's thesis/claim; the selection of textual support, and the essay organization structure; as well as diction choices and grammar and mechanics.
To prepare to give and receive feedback, please watch the following hyperlinked videos:
Collaborating as Writers: Peer Editors and Critical Friends
Otis College:Peer Writing Review Process
To review writing a character analysis, review this short video: How to Write A Character Analysis
You may bring snacks for tomorrow's class. Also dont forget to assign a private code or pin to your essay.

Also visit the following source for revision strategies:

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Article of The Day

View the link posted here: The Me Generation
Respond: Do you think millenials are more narcissitic or arrogant than previous generations?
Do you think your generation has too much self-esteem?
Is there anything wrong with failure? Why or why not?
Do you have to suceed at everything?
2. The Me Generation by Joel Stein Article of the Day