Saturday, March 2, 2019

American Literature Period 5

1. Continue on IXL! Kudos to those students who have successfully completed segments especially on Grammar and/or Literary Texts.
2. Select one quote from Chapter 3 and One quote from Chapter 4 of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass. using your journal, and if you were not here, fold a sheet of paper lengthwise, copy the quote, or a portion of it at the top of your paper. Then respond using either a response starter, or simply discuss: why you chose the quote; what it reveals about slavery and slaveholders or slaves; and connections to the present day; and whether it moved you emotionally or logically or both.
On Monday, we are back to Article of the Week; and we will revise essay; and finish coloring our images. .

Friday, March 1, 2019

American Literature Period 4

Dear Students,
To make collecting your original poems for the Living Writers Series much easier, I have created a NEW Email/Google Drive Address.  Please re-read your poems, include a title on them, and your name and school. Then, after spell and stanza checking them, you must email them to . Include your name and poem title in the Subject Heading.  All poems that have already been sent to my LAUSD address or uploaded to Schoology MUST be re-emailed to the new address.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

American Literature Period 5

1. Complete your reading and roll sheets. be prepared to have a final in class discussion of your literature circle novel (in class) and get prepared to do a group and individual assignment on the novel.
2. Log-in to IXL and complete preferably a GRAMMAR or VOCABULARY Section
3. Select any 10 words from our crossword and construct sentences with the words connecting them to slavery or slave narratives or something meaningful.
4. Sketch an image from The Narrative of Frederick Douglass.
Reading Quiz on The Narrative of Frederick Douglass Chapters 1-3 This Friday.