Friday, September 5, 2014

English Ten Periods 3, 4

1. Be sure to finish your précis for the "How to Be AN Active Reader" article. It is a 4-6 sentence summary of the author's main points and purpose. 2. Respond to the following writing prompt: Write about a Journey/Quest that YOU or A Family member has taken. Perhaps it was a journey to learning how to do something; or a trip from another state or country. What obstacles did you encounter? Discuss. 3. Don't forget to keep reading in your Independent Reading Novel.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

English Ten Period 5

1. To completely finish your SOAPS Sheet. 2. Complete an additional twenty or more pages of reading in your independent reading novel; and have no fewer than four (4) reading entries. 3. To complete your response to the Quest prompt. 4. Finally, please bring Enrique's Journey to class on Thursday.