Tuesday, May 31, 2016

ERWC Period 1 Senior Reflective Essay Drafts

Be sure that you have identified your two moments which either: could be SCENE versus Summary or a claim that you make about a teacher or yourself that needs details.  Stretch out scene using the Image Details Strategy and then incorporate into new essay.  You will need to do this twice as discussed in class. You must submit a NEW draft of your Reflective Essay. Book Titles are italicized; "I" is always capitalized;and you must include Academic Reflection about yourself--this means a specific, detailed, discussion about your growth as a student.
Final Drafts due tomorrow by 1:15 pm (during Lunch period)

Monday, May 30, 2016

ERWC Period 1

1. Congrats to all of period 1 for 100% Completion of the Final Senior Reflective Essay!!!! However, I am not satisfied with the work that was submitted. Many of your essays are one draft shy of much better, convincing stories. Most of them however lack descriptive details.  Because of this, tomorrow, each of you will receive your Senior Reflective Essay Draft back, and we will work on a strategy called Idea/Detail, and Show Dont Tell. To get a head on tomorrow's lesson, please read pages 28-32 at the useful Writing Teacher's Handbook Writing Strategies pdf 
2. Although you were encouraged to finish reading The Stranger, you may not have since it was not listed on the Blog. Finish reading it.
3. Lastly, we will hear from the groups, The New Jim Crow and Mexican Whiteboy for sure tomorrow. If all groups do not have a chance to present, some groups may have to present afterschool on Tuesday or Wednesday.