Thursday, December 17, 2020

Junior Fail Notification Letter and Edgenuity Boost Instructions

If you received a grade of "Fail" on your twenty week report card, please click to learn more how to enroll in the EDGENUITY Booster Course to raise your grade. 
Start here: Junior Fail Information Letter 
Next go here: Edgenuity Enrollment Directions
You will enroll in the course: LL Language Arts 11-ELA3011CR

Please note, the Winter Break Reading IS NOT THE SAME as the Edgenuity Booster Assignment. Any student with an "F" MUST DO the Edgenuity Booster Module to boost their grade.  The Winter Break Reading IS OPTIONAL and encouraged, but is still optional. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Book Tasting Assignment

 Good Morning! here you will find the document to assist in your Book Tasting Assignment for today. As promised, even if YOU ARE UNSURE OR KNOW YOU WONT OR CANT READ DURING BREAK, full completion of the assignment that demonstrates you did it, is worth 25 points for classwork. Please finish the assignment and exit slip by today at 11:45 am so I can get your points in.  This should be a fun exploratory assignment and a way to earn some points before 20 grades are due.  Here is the link to the book list: Book Tasting List  . The Exit Slip will be posted at 09: 50 am.