Saturday, October 26, 2019

H. American Literature period 2 Homework

1. Select a scene from The Godfather to draw. Draw/color the symbolic scene.  Not an artist? Then select a scene that gives specific details or orders in a specific order. Create a flow chart or chart to organize information
2. Finish your Characterization sheet (red/blue) on Sonny and Michael..

American Literature Period 4

1. Continue reading in your novel. Bring it to class on Monday!. On Monday we will have our own articles of the week.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American Literature Period 1 Homework

1. Finish your 8 question multiple choice test based on the article we were reading. Remember, 4 of your questions should be based on one single passage.  The other 4 can be based on another passage OR simply based on the content.
2. Finish writing the definitions for the drama terms. I sent the screenshot using the Remind App!
3. Review McCarthism by watching the following TED Video. Click the link here: What Is McCarthyism?
4. Read The Crucible, pages 4-13.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

H. American Literature period 2

Read Chapters 6 and 7 of The Godfather. Read with Post it notes. Pay attention to details and plot.

Monday, October 21, 2019

American Literature Period 1

1. Do what you were supposed to over the weekend: three reading journals on your novel ,(which means you read 30 pages or more)
2. Finish re-read & Levels of Questions on The Article False Confessions. Be sure to annotate they way we did in class (unfamiliar words; main idea, etc)
3. View the powerpoint on Introducing the Crucible. The link is here: Introducing the Crucible. Complete the green reflective journal you received in class.  Each category/box on the Reflective Journal has the number of responses you need to have in parenthesis. This will save us time in class!
4. Re-read the practice "SAT" quizzes we took in class. Bring those to class with you tomorrow!