Friday, September 27, 2019

Period 1 and Period 4 American Literature

1. Catch up on your Independent Reading Novel. NO SOAPS homework--unless you didnt complete last week. Instead, try to read 75-100 page of your novel! Complete your dialectical journals while you read.  On Tuesday, American Literature period 1 should have 8 full journal entries.
American Literature period 4--you should also have 8 full entries total.

H. American Literature period 2

1. Jot down no fewer than 22 subjects from The Godfather. Then for each, locate an action or event, quote or brief passage that supports that theme/topic from Chapter 1. Be sure to copy down the quote/passage or action w/page number.
2. Carefully RE-READ if you havent already done so, Chapter 1

Monday, September 23, 2019

American Literature Periods 1, 2 and 4

Good Morning-- this lesson is for American Literature Periods 1, 2, and 4. Today I am out-- I caught the bug that has been going around (booooo). Mrs. Hutchinson is our guest teacher today 🙂To make things relatively smooth for us, today, you will read and discuss a favorite article, "Too Much Pressure by Colleen Wenke. Link to the article found here: Too Much Pressure.
Read the text out loud as a class with Mrs. Hutchinson and student readers. Then, if needed: re-read!! You may download and use Kami to annotate if desired. When finished, complete your SOAPS + Academic Summary and also create 2 Right there questions; 1 Author and You and 1On My Own question. 
Submit all work to our guest teacher and King Drew former English Teacher, Mrs. Yvonne D. Hutchinson.