Monday, December 16, 2019

Mock Trial Planning Day 2

Today, we will have at least three or four distinct groups in class. The defense team will work with major characters and their attorney to finish their plan and construct questions and opening statements. PLEASE SEE THE FOLLOWING: Mock Trial Doc

The Judge will review the script and legalese.

The Jurors will review some of the handouts hyperlinked. The foreperson reviews any hyperlinked documents or other resources from Mock Trial

Those without speaking roles will form their newspaper groups.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

All English Classes

Gm students! I am expiring technical difficulties and intermittent internet outages at my home, probably because of the wind.  As a result, I am grading all of your paper assignments--SOAPS, reflections, MC tests, journals I didn't score and writing your grade on the assignment. These scores may not be uploaded into Schoology until later this evening or early tomorrow morning. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

H American Literature Period 2

H. American Literature Period 2: On Monday, you will have a non-traditional exam.  Why? Because you have successfully met or been introduced to the learning targets of literary analysis (through your: Character Analysis Essay; your Analysis Questions and Reading Journals); you have been introduced to creating questions to demonstrate comprehension by completing an entire student generated exam). Consequently, you will have a brief exam on Monday, followed by an opportunity to discuss themes of the text and practice with thesis writing. We then will have time to finish Mock Trial Prep. To that end, please finish viewing Law and Order Facia e Facia on your own. Pay attention to the plot, the names of the lawyers and the legal-ese--the terminology that the actors use. I may include five or six question on the exam for tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Quiz Me: Quiz You

Create an ORIGINAL 7 question "quiz" or questions with answer choices on The Crucible. You should have the following: 2 Discussion Questions-- one Author and You (meaning you must read the text) and the other (On My Own).   Then, the other 5 questions should be multiple choice questions with answers that YOU CREATE!! you can have 4 of any type, but one question needs to be a vocabulary question!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

American Literature Period 1

What Should They Do? Assume the persona of a marriage and family therapist or a counselor.  Write a letter in which you: Address and name the feelings and emotions of your audience (either Abigail, John, or Elizabeth Proctor).  Integrate at least two or three direct quotes from the play into your letter, and also provide a plan or course of action for your character to regain their old self.  Type your draft as a Google Doc and bring tomorrow for revision and formatting in class!
Revisions: Carefully read the attached glossary of Therapy Terms. Which do you think apply to the behavior or Abigail? Elizabeth or John Proctor? Select any three to include in your final draft of your letter.
Crucible Google Form

H. American Literature period 2

What traits does Sonny Corlone possess that seem in line with his birth order?  What traits does he seem to exhibit that don't usually characterize first borns.  Do you think that you exhibit any of the traits of your birth order would suggest?   After reading the article on birth order--complete a SOAPS Analysis and Academic Summary!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

American Lit period 4

Today for the first 15 minutes of class you will read a commentary of your choice-you may select from my magazines or our online approved texts. You may use a podcast-but NO songs! Use the Blue Soaps Sheet.
2. Submit to guest teacher.
3. For the remainder of the period-about 1 hour, you will continue watching "A Raisin in The Sun".... think about which scene you would like to recreate. You may take notes.  Sit in assigned seats and be on your best behavior!

American Literature Period 1

Please be on your best behavior while I am away at a field trip assisting a colleague. As discussed, we will have our first reading quiz Friday!   Please answer the questions that follow on your own paper.  You do not need to write them down, just the number.  American Literature period 1 
Reviewing Act I of The Crucible. As stated, we will have our first reading quiz on Act I, Scene I of The Crucible This Friday!!!! You may answer the following questions with a partner. If you don’t have your text, please consult the online pdf. You can click this link: 
You will also have to RE-read parts of the play.    

  1. Newsflash: How did McCartyism influence Arthur Miller to write the Crucible? (You may use your green reflective journals or notes you took)  
  1. Identify the following characters: Revered Parris; Betty; Abigail, Thomas Putnam, John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor;  Reverend Hale; Sarah Good? Identify them by telling who they are or something about them.  
  1. How are Betty, Abigail and Reverend Parris related?  
  1. What is wrong with Betty when the play begins?  
  1. Why does Mrs. Putnam think there are witches in Salem?  
  1. What do you think the death of children had to do with suspicion of witches? (pg 14-15) 
  1. What happened between Abigail and John Proctor prior to the opening of the play? 
  1. What was the "sign" that Betty was bewitched? 
  1. Identify Francis and Rebecca Nurse. 
  1. What did Rebecca do to Betty? 
  1. Who is Rev. John Hale, and why does he come to Salem?  
  1. What is Rebecca's explanation of the girls' behavior? 
  1. "Why doesn’t Reverend Parris want Reverend Hale to come to Salem?  
  1. What do Putnam and Proctor argue about? What does this show? (see and re-read pages 16-17 in our play).  
  1.  In what way was Titutba’s “back against the wall”? Explain how she had nothing to loose and consequently confessed.  
  1. Who else was implicated by the girls at the end of Scene I. Identify at least 5 characters.  Were all of the women or girls?  
  1.  Re-read pages 26-27 of Scene 2 and respond:  Do you think John Proctor loves his wife Elizabeth? Why? Support your answer with evidence from the play.  
  1.  How do you think Elizabeth feels? Do you think she feels loved by her husband? Why do you say this?  

Monday, December 2, 2019

American Literature Agenda period 4

1. Classroom Objectives, Goals
2. Important Dates and Behavioral Expectations
3. Using FLipgrid to speak using academic language and sentence structures
3. Writing Letters: Informal and Formal 
4. Using my future.memy

Thursday, November 21, 2019

American Literature Period 4

Carefully re-read if needed, A Raisin in The Sun Act I scene II (two). Then finish the remaining comprehension questions based on your understanding.

H American Literature period 2

1.  Summarize Young Vitos's life in Sicily. Why did he flee to the United States?
2.  Summarize the work Vito, Tessio and Clemenza did. Who was Fanucci, and why did Vito neither respect nor fear him?
3. Why do you think narrator/author juxtaposes the very bad things that Vito Corleone does with the good things in same chapter? What do you think Puzo wants to show? Illustrate?
Carefully Read Your Thanksgiving Break Assignment.  It requires you to select passages from The Godfather that are engaging, insightful, revealing, funny, foreboding, etc TO YOU. You will then re-read and create multiple choice questions (7 per passage w/answer choices).  Read for guidance: here

Monday, November 18, 2019

Exposure to Literary Analysis and Literary Analysis Essays

Today, we will read a prompt and two or three essays written in class that address it.  Then we will attempt to use these to make improvements in organization, claim and transitions to our Character Analysis Essays.  Please visit the College Board Link and read the prompt for Free Response Essay #3. Then, visit the student released essays and read the essays on prompt #3.  Which essay is the weakest? Why is it weak? How does it compare to the strongest essays? What do all the stronger essays have for the first paragraph? what does the first paragraph include? Finish your outline and reorganization of your essay!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

American Literature Period 1 and H American Literature

This week we reviewed transitional words and phrases.  Visit the link that follows to assess your understanding of transitions in sentences.  Transitions Exercises1

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Honors American Literature Period 2

1. Finish typing if you haven't and upload your rough draft to Schoology. Then, arrive to class with your draft PRINTED.
2. Finish reading Chapter 13 of The Godfather.
3. Be sure you have completed the Google Form of your desired role in our Mock-Trial.

American Literature Period 1

1. If you DID NOT complete an Article of The Week on an essay or article of your choice, you may still complete one for a 10% reduction in points. Due tomorrow
2.  Visit the following link to join the period 1 class Join American Lit period 1
Then after joining, you will see the link. and create a name and password that you remember for the course.  Then, you will see that the video on transitions and the lessons has been assigned.
If you have problems, after joining, you can click here:
3. Finish typing your rough draft of our essay on "Fear" into Schoology.
Here is the link to the Flipgrid Assignment: REviewing an Article or Podcast Using Academic Language

Friday, November 8, 2019

H American Lit period 2 Mock Trial: Michael, Why did you do it?

Over the next week or so, we will embark on something I haven't done in a while-- engaging in a Mock Trial.  We will try Michael Corleone for the shooting of Sollozzo the Turk and Captain McClusky.  The reality is that there are two witnesses (just one) because the others are dead--and we as readers already know that Michael did it.  So then, the question becomes--can Michael defend his actions as self defense for he and his family? Could he fear for his life, his fathers life and that of his family? We will need a range of characters for this assignment and a lot of writing will be done.  We will obviously need the following characters: Michael, Sonny, Hagen.  We will need a representative for the Police. We will need character witnesses, perhaps Kay, the Don.Who else would we need to call? We will need a jury; a judge, a balliff, police. Please complete the google form here Character Role Sign Up We will need read a lot of handouts and we will need to decide who will do and be what. Consequently, I am hyperlinking an entire website with teacher and student resources on MocktrialsOver the long weekend, familiarize yourself with the videos found on this hyperlinked page: Introduction to Mock Trials 2011 Video and 2016 Video.   

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Closely Re-Reading: The Crucible Act I.i

Carefully re-read and discuss, if needed with a partner. Then write only the answers on a sheet of paper.  Underline key passages in the text that support your answers.

Power Act I.i

 1. How do we first find Parris and what is is role or job in society?  2. Who is Tituba? How does her language suggest her position in society? 3. What relation are Parris, Betty and Abigail? Why does Abigail live with Parris? 5. What does Parris think about his Betty? 6. What does Abigail tell Parris? Summarize it briefly. 7. What is Parris’s main motive for clearing Abigail’s name? 8. Who does Abigail blame and how is her claim dishonest or smearing?  Why does Abigail claim she was dismissed from Goody Proctor’s service? Who is Ann Proctor? How many children did she have and what happened to them? Why do you think that is important given the events? Who do you think has some power? Who do you think seems powerless? Why?

Monday, November 4, 2019

American Literature Period 4

1. Carefully re-read and underline important aspects of A Raisin in The Sun.

Friday, November 1, 2019

American Literature Period 4

1. Thoroughly answer questions 10-17 on the play "A Raisin In The Sun"
2. Read your novel 30-40 pages and complete 3 full reading journals.
3. Write 1-2 paragraphs analyzing the character your and your team presented. 

Thursday, October 31, 2019

H. American Literature per. 2

1. Copy by hand all of the adjectives/descriptives on the green sheet. Copy on notebook paper or binder paper--I will check and you will keep.
2. Finish your ARTWORK or Flow chart.  It should be creative, colorful, realistic.  It may be photographed for our grant!
3. You may not consult any sources, but you may continue working on your essay.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Reflection on Multiple Choice Question Set#1

To what degree are you proud of your original multiple choice questions? Feel free to discuss any of the questions you most like, or you feel demonstrate your own understanding of the article.  What might have caused the most difficulty for you? What might you do differently next time?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

H. American Literature period 2 Homework

1. Select a scene from The Godfather to draw. Draw/color the symbolic scene.  Not an artist? Then select a scene that gives specific details or orders in a specific order. Create a flow chart or chart to organize information
2. Finish your Characterization sheet (red/blue) on Sonny and Michael..

American Literature Period 4

1. Continue reading in your novel. Bring it to class on Monday!. On Monday we will have our own articles of the week.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American Literature Period 1 Homework

1. Finish your 8 question multiple choice test based on the article we were reading. Remember, 4 of your questions should be based on one single passage.  The other 4 can be based on another passage OR simply based on the content.
2. Finish writing the definitions for the drama terms. I sent the screenshot using the Remind App!
3. Review McCarthism by watching the following TED Video. Click the link here: What Is McCarthyism?
4. Read The Crucible, pages 4-13.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

H. American Literature period 2

Read Chapters 6 and 7 of The Godfather. Read with Post it notes. Pay attention to details and plot.

Monday, October 21, 2019

American Literature Period 1

1. Do what you were supposed to over the weekend: three reading journals on your novel ,(which means you read 30 pages or more)
2. Finish re-read & Levels of Questions on The Article False Confessions. Be sure to annotate they way we did in class (unfamiliar words; main idea, etc)
3. View the powerpoint on Introducing the Crucible. The link is here: Introducing the Crucible. Complete the green reflective journal you received in class.  Each category/box on the Reflective Journal has the number of responses you need to have in parenthesis. This will save us time in class!
4. Re-read the practice "SAT" quizzes we took in class. Bring those to class with you tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

American Literature Period 1

Today, we will write in our journals on topics related to The Crucible.  We are back to our article of the week as well, and we will learn more about why Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible. Additionally, we will finish our documentary on The Salem Witch Trials and learn vocabulary for Act 1 by joining 
Homework: Finish your reflection regarding your strengths and weaknesses in the class (Reflection).
Carefully finish reading/re-reading our article of the week. If needed, come by for a copy.
Complete a SOAPS + Summary on the Article of The Week: The Science Behind False Accusations.
Complete the first Activity in on Act 1 of The Crucible.
Finish the Documentary ON YOUR OWN: Link Here: The Salem Witch Trials. Be sure to take notes.  Who is Bridget Bishop? What do the accused have to do? Why was it almost impossible to be found innocent unless one confesses?

Monday, October 14, 2019

H. American Period 2

1. Carefully read all of the questions in the released AP Lit 2013 Exam. Mark off a passage from The Godfather and create no fewer than three questions with answers modelled after those in the test.
2. Then, also copy the following vocabulary words down, and write a sentence using someone from the novel.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday Oct 11 Agenda for Per. 1 and 4

Period 1: After writing in your journals, you will resume watching the History Channel Documentary on Witches and taking notes. 

Per 4. 1. You will write in your journals.
Then you will watch a 7 min. documentary on The Great Migration. You will watch it two times to take notes.
3. Then you will plan and write a one page or so essay in which you: Identify and discuss similarities that African Americans had to migrate North with reasons anyone who immigrate to the United States or a new city.
4. Then, you will resume reading A Raisin in the Sun.

Monday, October 7, 2019

American Literature Period 1

1. Use the Anticipation Guide for The Crucible. For Each statement, identify a big theme or subject that comes from that statement. So, for example, statement one: You can always rely on a person in charge to do whats right.....the theme is...Integrity. So you would write 1. Integrity.
Just in case you don't have the Anticipation Guide, it is hyperlinked here: Crucible Anticipation Guide
2. Be sure you have your Academic Verbs crossword puzzle, as we will score tomorrow in class!

Saturday, October 5, 2019

H. American Literature period 2

1. The expectation is that you finished or almost finished your reading Close Reading Questions on Friday. I do understand that Friday might have been trying so the expectation is for you to have completed questions ready for Monday. A reminder--no late questions can be accepted. Additionally two students have been found guilty of plagiarism. Do your own work. The questions are supposed to make you think and re-read! If you don't have "the answer" right away--they are meant to have you reconsider and reevaluate!
2. You were assigned to read Chapters 2-4 pages 59-88.  Complete a total of 4 two page entries.  That means a folded half page and a folded back. You will summarize the quote; identify what it means, or may reveal about a character, then pose several questions or predictions based on the reading.
3. Bring your questions, thoughts, realizations, connections, favorite parts of the text to class on Monday.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019

Period 1 and Period 4 American Literature

1. Catch up on your Independent Reading Novel. NO SOAPS homework--unless you didnt complete last week. Instead, try to read 75-100 page of your novel! Complete your dialectical journals while you read.  On Tuesday, American Literature period 1 should have 8 full journal entries.
American Literature period 4--you should also have 8 full entries total.

H. American Literature period 2

1. Jot down no fewer than 22 subjects from The Godfather. Then for each, locate an action or event, quote or brief passage that supports that theme/topic from Chapter 1. Be sure to copy down the quote/passage or action w/page number.
2. Carefully RE-READ if you havent already done so, Chapter 1

Monday, September 23, 2019

American Literature Periods 1, 2 and 4

Good Morning-- this lesson is for American Literature Periods 1, 2, and 4. Today I am out-- I caught the bug that has been going around (booooo). Mrs. Hutchinson is our guest teacher today 🙂To make things relatively smooth for us, today, you will read and discuss a favorite article, "Too Much Pressure by Colleen Wenke. Link to the article found here: Too Much Pressure.
Read the text out loud as a class with Mrs. Hutchinson and student readers. Then, if needed: re-read!! You may download and use Kami to annotate if desired. When finished, complete your SOAPS + Academic Summary and also create 2 Right there questions; 1 Author and You and 1On My Own question. 
Submit all work to our guest teacher and King Drew former English Teacher, Mrs. Yvonne D. Hutchinson.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Expository Composition Period 5/6

1. Be sure to upload your timed in-class essay (Is the problem of the 21st century still the colorline?)
2. Complete the Study Questions from Chapters 1-3 of The Fall Of Rome. Submit to your guest teacher.
3. Homework: Your Individual Article of The Week+SOAPS+Summary

Join American Literature Period 4 Quizlet

We will use Quizlet to practice vocabulary/literary terms and other words we need to know. Click here to join the link to our class. Then complete the class set for Academic Verbs.

American Literature Period 1

Good Morning American Literature! Today I am on campus for a planning meeting. Mr. Gutierrez will cover your class.When we last met, we read the poem "America" by Claude McKay. Since I am unable to discuss your responses, today you will respond in your notebook to the following topic:
Journal Response: Friday Freewrite (your choice) or 1. September 15-October 15 is Latinx Heritage Month. Write about a person of Latinx/Hispanic Heritage and their contributions to American Society. It can be a politician, writer, entertainer, athlete, speaker, teacher, etc.
2. Silent Reading of your Independent Reading Novel 15 min.  Then, construct a dialectical journal entry.
3. Finally, on Monday, your SOAPS and Academic Summary for your Article of the Week is due.  Select an op-ed from our any of or blog sources Radio Rookies or The Huffington Post Communities 
or Sports illustrated Opinion column or NPR Latino USA.  After reading your article, complete your SOAPS + Summary.  Be ready to turn in on Monday, and discuss the questions on Monday from our poem. 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

H. American Literature

Finish your question on The Godfather. Be sure to include your answer choices.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

American Literature Period 1

 Homework: Read each of our Wonder statements that was created based on our reading of the poem.  Then, be sure to have an answer Why does the poem sound sad? What prompts the author to write this? I wonder is there faith in America? I wonder what is meant by malice, terror and jeer? I wonder why does the speaker have a love/hate relationship with the United States? I wonder why the speaker rhymes? I wonder why the speaker loves this cultured hell?

Monday, September 16, 2019

H. American Literature period 2

Write: What makes the United States unique or different from the following countries specifically--Russia; Saudi Arabia; China; Mexico; Nigeria...or other nations generally?

H. World Literature period 6

1. Create a Dialectical Journal by folding several sheets of notebook paper the long-way. Then, while reading ALL of chapter 1 of The Souls of Black Folk, select 4 quotes.  They may be of varying lengths and respond--what do the quotes make you think of? Summarize the quote. Do you agree with the quotes? Why?
2. Bring both texts and your in-class essay to class on Wednesday.

American Literature period 1

Read your Article of the Week if you didnt do so. Then complete your SOAPS + Academic Summary.

American Literature period 4

1. Finish reading your Article of the Week that you selected. Then, complete your SOAP+ Academic Summary.  Use your training wheels!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Honors Expository Composition period 6

Read all of Chapter 2 of The Fall of Rome. While reading, use the Know and Wonder graphic organizer to record questions. After reading, use the know side to record information gleaned from reading.

Expository Composition period 5

1. Be sure you have recorded yourself reading your academic summary of your song.
2. Finish Chapter 2 of The Fall Of Rome. Use the Know and Wonder Handout to record at least three things you Wonder and three things you know.  Of 6 boxes--five must be filled. You may use the back of the sheet. The knows and wonders do not necessarily have to connect.

American Literature Period 1/H American Literature Period 2

Homework: Find an interesting article from an online magazine or academically acceptable blog.  You may visit any of the blogs listed here for help. Read your article, and then complete a SOAPS Analysis + Academic Summary on your Article.

Period 2: Be sure to choose to record yourself reading your summary of your song OR the Mary Ann Shad Cary Academic Summary that you wrote in class on Thursday.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Expository Composition period 5

1. Use your SOAPS from your song to write an Academic Summary. Then, hop over to FlipGrid and record yourself reading your academic summary in your best academic voice. Be sure to click here to get directly to the Flipgrid assignment.  Remember to the Academic Summary handout is under Class Readings and handouts!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Using Chatsy Period 6

Here is the link: They Say, I Say

Learning Target Self Reflection

You will visit the online pdf of Learning Targets and print it out! Then, identify "S" for Strength, write W or GA for Growth Area and ? if you have not heard of that target.  Please print out the document-- if you do--this assessment is waaaay easier than writing it out by hand.

Using Online Tool Chatsy

Today, we will engage in an online discussion of the Introduction and Chapter 1 of They Say, I Say Using Chatsy. All students must read the instructions and record a response and or question or comment from the text that illustrates your reading, listening and engagement with the text.  I will moderate questions and ask additional ones once we are all in the chat room! Here is the link to join our online discussionThey Say, I Say Chat

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

American Literature Periods 1,2,4

Reflection: Is "Ordeal By Cheque" an actual story/text?How did you make sense of it? What helped you? Why or Why not? How were you able to "read" the text--that is figure out what was going on? What does this reveal about the nature of reading? What professions might have to rely on reading non-traditional texts?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Expository Composition period 5&6 Honors American Literature period 2

Complete a FULL SOAPS to the best of your ability on YOUR Selected Song.  Then create 1 right there; 1 author and you and 1 on your own about YOUR Song!.
Then for good measure,  listen to the song Makeup by Jazmine Sullivan. Song/Video Here:  Makeup Video  Song Lyrics here: Makeup Song Lyrics To the best of your ability, complete a SOAPS about her song as well. Then create one Right there, 1 Author and You and 1 On My Own Question about that text.  Bring competed SOAPS to CLASS (do not upload to Schoology).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

All Classes

As we near the end of our second week of school, I want to ensure that all students have:
1. Joined our Remind Class: Period 1
Honors American Lit Period 2
American Literature Period 4
Expository Composition Period 5
2. Have copies of the Syllabus
3. Have Bookmarked BOTH Blogs
4. Have submitted their Flipgrid and Dear Ms. Guy Letters
5. Have returned Questionnaires and Rules!
6. And have scanned/qr'ed the following: Reading Rubric; They Say, I Say Third Edition;
7. Reviewed the Levels of Questions and SOAPS Protocols.
8. Deep Dive

Friday, August 23, 2019

Dear Ms. Guy Letter All CLasses

Dear Students,
Here is the link to my letter to you! Dear Students 2019 American Literature 
Seniors--here is the link to my letter to you 2019 Expository Composition Dear Students
Reminder that your Dear Ms. Guy letters are due on Sunday, by 9pm
Honors Expository Composition Remind App

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Reading and Proofreading Our work

Reading/Proofreading our Frederick Douglass one pager out loud on Flip Grid. Here is the link to day's assignment; After reading, reflect on the comments in one paragraph.

Friday, May 24, 2019

American Literature period 5 Chapter 10-end and beginning of Chapter 11

1. Explain Frederick's luck again, after being released from jail? Where was he sent to live?
2. When Frederick was sent to live with Mr. Gardner, he was sent to learn a trade as a caulker.  There, he found the white carpenters stopped working with the black carpenters.  Why? Explain why the white carpenters refused to work with black carpenters when they previously had before?
3.  Why is Master Hugh unable to arrest the white carpenters who beat Frederick? (There are several reasons).
4.  Why is Frederick NOT happy even though he learns to calk, and begins to earn money?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Summer Reading 2019

11th Grade Students, Summer Reading is here and has been posted! There is virtually little change, so simply read a book that you didnt read last year.  Assignments will be posted on the King Drew Magnet High School Web Page on the English Department Summer Reading Section. Dont Fall Behind--be sure to check your assignment!

Monday, May 20, 2019

American Lit. Period 4 and 5 Articles of The Week for SOAPS

Here is the link to access todays Article of The Week. Once you click the link, the article to read is "Children Are Children Until They Commit Crimes"  You are to complete a SOAPS and Summary and turn in to Ms. Wells.  Then, complete the handout on semicolons.
If you have extra time after submitting, you are to finish reading chapter 10 of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass OR You may read your Independent Novel (period 5) OR You may type your Chapter 1 of your Autobiographical Narrative (I Was born....) OR you may submit a revised Final Draft of the Performance Task. I have been grading these and what was submitted lowers your grade, so you probably want to really re-read and resubmit. Period 4 students, you may also work on a new poem or rap or finish and type your--"After the Unhappy Ending Prompt" and email to

Monday, May 13, 2019

American Literature Period 5

1. Complete a one page summary of today's, "AofW" including two Author and You Questions; 2 On My Own Questions and an academic summary of the article. You may consult the format, but must use your own lined paper.

Friday, May 10, 2019

American Literature Period 5

1. Read your Independent Novel approximately 30 pages over the weekend. Complete three new Journal Entries that are at least a half page and a half.
2. Review your timeline, and re-read parts of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass after chapter 8. Prepare your self for an in-class writing on how Frederick is developing and the evidence to support it.  What do you think makes him develop differently from other slaves?

American Literature Period 4

1. After the Unhappy Ending. Read your beginning to After the Unhappy Ending.  Then, write a new story, that begins the same way.  Work on your new short story and make it at least two pages.  OR if you like the first one, continue to develop it until it is at least two pages.
2. Those readers of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass, PRACTICE your reading sections!
3. Pick your new novel for Independent Reading and bring it to class! If you didnt finish your first one, then bring that to class EVERY DAY now!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

American Literature period 4

1. Be prepared for those students to read their assigned parts in class tomorrow and Monday.
2. Check rude, disrespectful attitudes and actions at the door OR be prepared to be held accountable  for them: U in Cooperation; Parent Phone Call; etc. You can be bored, behind, confused, down, hungry, sad--but disrespectful is not one of those options.
3. Working on your Chapter 1.

Friday, May 3, 2019

American Lit Period 5

1. Write your Chapter 1 and 2. I was born in.....
2. Finish reading the entire Chapter 10 of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass. Be sure to know what happens to Frederick, including his fight with Covey; the failed plot to escape; who you think the informant was; how Frederick got lucky.
3. Continue viewing your grade report. I am not collecting old literature circle worksheets of any kind. I am not collecting any missing work aside from the Final Draft of the Performance Task; and the assignments on the white sheet.  Be sure to read the Grade Profile Sheet (green paper, based on the grade your currently have, and the grade you want to earn).

CLI Writing Prompts: American Lit Period 4 and homework

Homework: Complete the Narrative of Frederick Douglass Theme Review Sheet with Two anecdotes written that correspond to each theme. 2. Re-read your poems and send to
3. If you have not read your rough draft, revised and uploaded it as a final draft performance task, I will no longer accept them after Wednesday of next week!

These are the prompts from every guest except Erinee Greene. 1. From Photoetry. Select an image/picture from the book that moves you. Then write a poem of at least 20 lines based on that poem.
2.  Endeavor Prompts: 1. Write about something you witnessed (saw) in your neighborhood in as much detail as possible (this can be a poem of at least 15 lines; or a short story or a rap).
 2. If you could change anything about how people perceive (see/view) you, what would it be? Write a descriptive poem about how you want people to perceive you.
3. Write a poem of the family story that you have heard over and over again. Or simply write about (with dialogue and description) the family story.
Friends My Poems Gave Me Prompts: Write a POEM about a SUPERHERO coming to your home to confront you. Remember, you are a super hero too!
2. Write a poem about the things you like most about your best friend. At least 20 lines.
3. Make a list of your favorite words, then write a poem that uses 90% of those words.
4. Write about something so small that your poem is only 5 lines long.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

American Literature Period 4

Good Afternoon! Today's guest instructor is Ms. Jamisha Fletcher. Be on your best behavior while I am away for part of the day on a field trip. All assignments must be completed.

1. Written Reflection: What aspect of The English Language Arts Smarter Balanced was the most difficult for you? Which was the easiest? Did you finish all of the tasks? What do you think we should have done more of to prepare? Do you think the computerized format hindered you in any way?

2. You will construct TWO multiple choice questions based on the Narrative of Frederick Douglass. Click here to submit your original questions: based on your understanding.  Read the directions carefully.

3. You will work in pairs to complete the orange Review Sheet. Elijah or Relando please read the directions.  You must have two examples per theme.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Chromebook Collection and Independent Reading Collection

Chromebook Collection for all classes with your charger will begin on May 28th.
Books that you checked out/borrowed from me (such as Solo, Dear Martin, Children of Blood and Bone, Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Butt etc.) those books are due to me immediately.

Monday, April 29, 2019

American Literature Period 4

The Narrative of Frederick Douglass Chapter 10
1. Summarize the fight with Mr. Covey.  2. Why does Mr. Covey not subject Frederick to public punishment? 3. Give three reasons that Frederick felt that Christian slave holders were the worse.  Provide one example from the text. 4.What was Fredericks plan to escape and how is it spoiled?

Sunday, April 28, 2019

American Literature period 4 and 5

1. We will reflect on The Smarter Balanced Exam. 2.We will finish reading The Narrative of Frederick Douglass, Chapters 10-12. 3. We will begin our narrative essay on our own birth, modeled after Frederick's Chapter 4. I will introduce writing tasks for end of semester: revision of performance task; argumentative essay; narrative essays; annotated bibliography. We will work to select scenes and groups for A Raisin in The Sun dramatization.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

American Literature Period 4 and 5

2. Smarter Balanced Review: Log-on to IXL and complete one entire lesson.
3. Check back tomorrow morning and I will upload lessons from for Smarter Balanced Practice.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

American Literature Period 5

1. Visit the Quizlet to review transitions. Complete the play, flashcards, notes, and copy.
2. Complete the online Google Form Reflection on The Performance Task.
3. Go to and complete the lesson/review on transitions.
3. Finish reading The Narrative of Frederick Douglass Chapters 9 and 10. Answer the questions that follow in your OWN WORDS and BASED ON YOUR OWN READING OR RE-READING: Why does Mr. Covey whip Frederick? Why are the slaves so fearful of Mr. Covey? Why does their work go on in his absence? Why is it “never safe to stop a single minute” (p. 73)? What does Frederick mean by “Mr. Covey’s forte consisted in his power to deceive” (p. 74)? Why does Mr. Covey buy a slave to use as a breeder? Why does he hire Mr. Samuel Harrison, a married man? What irony does Frederick find in this? How does Mr. Covey succeed in breaking Frederick?
4. Visit Nic Stone Biography (all classes). Create five questions either about writing or Dear Martin (if you have read it) that you would like to ask.
5. All Field Trip Slips due no later than Thursday!

Friday, April 5, 2019

American Literature period 4

FINISH YOUR LETTER!!!! Sit yourself down with all of your materials, and compose a well-written rough draft of your letter.  Do not worry about neatness, just worry about finishing.  In class, as stated we will type our final drafts on Monday. You can not type and submit a final draft without having written a rough draft! Bring $1.50 for Pizza to homework!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

NAEP Reading Data Chart of 12th Grade Reading Achievement

Here is an image of the chart for the National Association of Education Progress reading data for African Americans; Latino-Americans; Asian Americans and White Americans.

Performance Task

Today, as promised, we will work to examine several sources to write a Performance Task, similar to what an educated person might write outside of school. Today's performance task has to do with literacy and reading education and teaching students to read.  We will have 30 minutes to read and make notes on the sources; take a bite to eat, and then write a performance task. 

Friday, March 22, 2019

Am Lit periods 4 and 5

Read or Re-read Chapter 8 of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass. Answer the questions that follow and study for quiz on Monday. 
Chapter 8 Study Questions: 1. Why was Frederick forced to return to the plantation after the death of his master? 2. How was the value of the master’s property determined? 3. Why was the division of property between Mistress Lucretia and Master Andrew so horrifying to the slaves? 5. What happened to Frederick’s grandmother after the deaths of Lucretia and Andrew? Explain the irony in their treatment of her (Frederick's grandmother) 6. How does this anecdote help explain the value of slaves? 7. How are slaves valued when compared to livestock?
Submit Study Questions for Chapter 6-7 or zero will stay in Schoology. 
Period 4: Don't forget two journal responses based on Chapter 7/8 quotes (Narrative of Frederick Douglass journal)

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

American Literature Period 5

Homework: Without re-listening to your story on Radio Rookies, complete your SOAPS and your academic summary and your levels of questions (1 right there, 1 think and search, 1 author and you; 1 on my own).  In class on our next meeting you will discuss your levels of questions.

Radio Rookies

Link to Radio Rookies 

Monday, March 18, 2019

American Literature Period 4

1. Have field trip forms signed.  2. Finish prompt for either Endeavor OR oems by Friends Gave Me.
3.  Finish Found Poem on The Narrative of Frederick Douglass. 4. Finish study questions on Chapter 6 and 7.

Friday, March 15, 2019

American Literature Periods 4 and 5

Period 4: These questions are HOMEWORK if there is a guest speaker today.  Period 5: These questions are classwork and are based on Chapters 6 and 7 read in class yesterday. After Friday Freewrite, you must complete and submit to guest teacher. You may copy and paste in to a word document and submit electronically. 

Chapters 6 and 7 of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass
 1.      Why is Mr. Auld angry when he finds that Mrs. Auld is teaching Frederick his letters? Why does Frederick call Mr. Auld’s forbidding his learning how to read “invaluable instruction” (p. 49)? (Education) *
2.      Why is this lesson so important to him? Why is the life of a city slave so much better than the life of a plantation slave?
3.      Why does Frederick relate the story of the slaves Henrietta and Mary? (English)
4.      Why does Frederick call slavery and power “poison”? What does this poison do to Mrs. Auld?
5.      What plan did Frederick adopt to learn how to read now that Mrs. Auld was no longer teaching him?
6.      What did Frederick use to bribe the little white boys? Why is it ironic that he bribed them?
7.      How does Master Auld’s prediction about Frederick and learning come true?
8.       How does Frederick learn to write? How does he trick the white boys into teaching him new letters?