Monday, May 20, 2019

American Lit. Period 4 and 5 Articles of The Week for SOAPS

Here is the link to access todays Article of The Week. Once you click the link, the article to read is "Children Are Children Until They Commit Crimes"  You are to complete a SOAPS and Summary and turn in to Ms. Wells.  Then, complete the handout on semicolons.
If you have extra time after submitting, you are to finish reading chapter 10 of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass OR You may read your Independent Novel (period 5) OR You may type your Chapter 1 of your Autobiographical Narrative (I Was born....) OR you may submit a revised Final Draft of the Performance Task. I have been grading these and what was submitted lowers your grade, so you probably want to really re-read and resubmit. Period 4 students, you may also work on a new poem or rap or finish and type your--"After the Unhappy Ending Prompt" and email to

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