Wednesday, December 4, 2019

American Literature Period 1

Please be on your best behavior while I am away at a field trip assisting a colleague. As discussed, we will have our first reading quiz Friday!   Please answer the questions that follow on your own paper.  You do not need to write them down, just the number.  American Literature period 1 
Reviewing Act I of The Crucible. As stated, we will have our first reading quiz on Act I, Scene I of The Crucible This Friday!!!! You may answer the following questions with a partner. If you don’t have your text, please consult the online pdf. You can click this link: 
You will also have to RE-read parts of the play.    

  1. Newsflash: How did McCartyism influence Arthur Miller to write the Crucible? (You may use your green reflective journals or notes you took)  
  1. Identify the following characters: Revered Parris; Betty; Abigail, Thomas Putnam, John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor;  Reverend Hale; Sarah Good? Identify them by telling who they are or something about them.  
  1. How are Betty, Abigail and Reverend Parris related?  
  1. What is wrong with Betty when the play begins?  
  1. Why does Mrs. Putnam think there are witches in Salem?  
  1. What do you think the death of children had to do with suspicion of witches? (pg 14-15) 
  1. What happened between Abigail and John Proctor prior to the opening of the play? 
  1. What was the "sign" that Betty was bewitched? 
  1. Identify Francis and Rebecca Nurse. 
  1. What did Rebecca do to Betty? 
  1. Who is Rev. John Hale, and why does he come to Salem?  
  1. What is Rebecca's explanation of the girls' behavior? 
  1. "Why doesn’t Reverend Parris want Reverend Hale to come to Salem?  
  1. What do Putnam and Proctor argue about? What does this show? (see and re-read pages 16-17 in our play).  
  1.  In what way was Titutba’s “back against the wall”? Explain how she had nothing to loose and consequently confessed.  
  1. Who else was implicated by the girls at the end of Scene I. Identify at least 5 characters.  Were all of the women or girls?  
  1.  Re-read pages 26-27 of Scene 2 and respond:  Do you think John Proctor loves his wife Elizabeth? Why? Support your answer with evidence from the play.  
  1.  How do you think Elizabeth feels? Do you think she feels loved by her husband? Why do you say this?  

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