Friday, November 8, 2019

H American Lit period 2 Mock Trial: Michael, Why did you do it?

Over the next week or so, we will embark on something I haven't done in a while-- engaging in a Mock Trial.  We will try Michael Corleone for the shooting of Sollozzo the Turk and Captain McClusky.  The reality is that there are two witnesses (just one) because the others are dead--and we as readers already know that Michael did it.  So then, the question becomes--can Michael defend his actions as self defense for he and his family? Could he fear for his life, his fathers life and that of his family? We will need a range of characters for this assignment and a lot of writing will be done.  We will obviously need the following characters: Michael, Sonny, Hagen.  We will need a representative for the Police. We will need character witnesses, perhaps Kay, the Don.Who else would we need to call? We will need a jury; a judge, a balliff, police. Please complete the google form here Character Role Sign Up We will need read a lot of handouts and we will need to decide who will do and be what. Consequently, I am hyperlinking an entire website with teacher and student resources on MocktrialsOver the long weekend, familiarize yourself with the videos found on this hyperlinked page: Introduction to Mock Trials 2011 Video and 2016 Video.   

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