1. Finish your SOAPS Analysis on Chapter 4 either with your team members OR by yourself. Upload by Thursday night at 7:00 pm.
2. Then write an academic summary of the Chapter AND a reflection. Compose (write) a reflection in which you share the quote or line that stood out (resonated) most with you, what it reveals or connections to make to the readings, observations or experience. Your summary+reflection should be ONE full page.
3. Begin thinking about the question: What examples of dehumanization do I see in Chapters 1-4 of The Narrative of Frederick Douglass?
Slavery in Human History Slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1w78wt8pTkz-rSR4i59PkkHSqbTSIJcsOfZL7FcSBqi4/edit?usp=sharing
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