Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Lit. Circle Expectations

Literature Circle Expectations and Assignments
1.       To read the minimum number of pages per week to ensure that the entire novel will be read on specified date.
2.       To complete the required Chapter/Chunk Engagement Strategies which may change each week: Dialectical Journal; Padlet Response with Chat; Flip Grid Passage Reading; Character Analysis; Theme and Social Connection; Literacy and Freedom Connection.
3.       To complete required role sheets before entering class each Thursday.  To print out, or have neatly written responses.
4.       To actively participate in literature circle group discussion with my group. To not dominate the discussions and to seek ways to engage my text with these from The Narrative of Frederick Douglass.
5.       Expect to respond in writing using my novel as a springboard.  I may be asked to write a found poem; haiku or tanka, rap, freeverse or modelled poem.
6.       To possibly interact with the author using social media.
7.       To bring my novel or electronic copy to class at least three time per week: on my block day, on Thursday—the literature circle day, and on Friday.
8.       To turn in all assignments on time.

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