Friday, September 28, 2018

American Literature periods 4 and 5

Dear Students, Please follow the agenda, and be the well-behaved class that you are when I am there.
1. Sit in your assigned seats, and follow our Friday Academic Routine: 1. Journal Writing.  You may write on your own regular aper if it takes too long to get your journal. Topic: Friday Freewrite
2.  Next 12 minutes: READ your own Expository Text of the Week.  You may listen, or read your own article or blogpost from the approved locations. You may begin your SOAPS which is due MONDAY. The SOAPS Sheets are by the window in the large paper holder. 
3. SSR: Silent Reading of Independent Reading Novel.  Last 15-20 minutes of class, reading and working on your Independent Reading Journals.  4 are due Monday w/initials from parent (2 Entries Friday, 1 Saturday, 1 Sunday).  5. If you have additional time, you may use Quizlet to review the academic verbs.  If you have not done so, you may submit your Dear Ms. Guy Letter. first, you must read my letter which I finally uploaded to this blog under class readings/handouts.  Then, you may upload in Schoology or to my email. The Guest Teacher will leave a note with any class disruptions or in appropriate behavior. 
Enjoy your weekend!

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