Friday, February 23, 2018

American Literature Period 4

Homework: Select ANY 15 Questions to answer. Also create two right there questions and two Author and You Question (questions where you have to read the text BUT the answer is not in the text but in your BRAIN). On Monday, we will resume essay revision. 
Please do not write the questions, but simply write the response to the study questions for Act I.II (Act I Scene II) 1. When and where does this scene take place?
2. What are the Youngers doing at the beginning of this scene?
3. Why is Ruth upset when she returns home? What does she learn? 
4. What is Travis excited about? Why does it upset Ruth so much?
5.Identify Joseph Asagai. What is the relationship between Beneatha and Asagai?
6. What does Asagai give to Beneatha as a gift? Why is Beneatha pleased with it? 
7. What are Asagai’s opinions about women, men, and love? Does Beneatha feel the same way?
8. Why does Beneatha thank Asagai for the nickname “Alaiyo”?
9. What message does Mrs. Johnson send along with Travis? What does this tell us about her
relationship with the Youngers?
10. When the postman brings the check for $10,000, Mama is overjoyed, but also worried.
Explain her conflicting feelings.
11. What does Walter ask as soon as he comes in the door? What is his reaction to what
Mama says?
12. What concern does Mama have about Walter’s frequent absences from the house?
13. How does Walter explain his discontent about his job and his future?
14. What does Walter mean when he says “Money is life”?
15. Why is Mama “proud of…what we done”? Who is “we” in her statement?
16. Why does Walter become so angry at Mama?
17. What news does Mama tell Walter about Ruth? What is Walter’s reaction?
18. What does Mama mean when she says, “You are a disgrace to the memory of your father”?
19. How does Walter Lee respond when he learns Ruth is pregnant? 
20. Who is "that woman" and what do we learn about Ruth? 

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