Wednesday, April 19, 2017

English Ten Period 6

Complete The Narrative of Frederick Douglass Socratic Reflection questions that began in class today.  The questions are found here:
1.    Identify five adjectives to describe Frederick Douglass:
2.    Now, which of the five adjectives do you think most describes Frederick?
3.    Reflect: Which scene or part of the narrative from Chapters 1-4 was most pivotal, moving, shocking or important to you and why?
4.    Reflect: Which scene, or part or statement of the narrative from Chapters 5-9 was most pivotal, moving, shocking or important to you and why?
5.    Reflect: Which scene, or part or statement of the narrative from Chapters 10-11 was most pivotal or moving, or inspiring or important to you and why?
6.    Reflect on your overall understanding of Frederick’s Narrative. Connect a theme from the narrative to: Yourself and To Your World.  That is, what did you most cherish or appreciate about the narrative?  What connections or lessons does Frederick’s narrative still hold? 
7.    Did you complete journals for The Narrative of Frederick Douglass? If so, how many.
Review for your exam on The Narrative of Frederick Douglass; Sensory Details, etc. which is tomorrow!!

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