Today, you will watch King Lear. As you watch the play, respond to the following:
1. Pay careful attention to the emotions of the actresses playing Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. How can the audience tell or even guess that Reagan especially really was speechless, and didn't know what to say when Lear asks her to express her love?
2. What expressions and emotions does Lear project and Cordelia that help us to see that Lear really is hurt (disappointed) by Cordelia's words?
3. How can we tell that Cordelia does regret her statements? Describe her facial expressions and movement.
4. Describe Lear's reaction to the fools first song. Contrast that to Lear's reaction when the Fool pats his hair and splits the egg. Does Lear seem to begin to understand the Fool's Words?
5. Identify one scene from the play that really helps you understand the emotions of a character of your choice.
6. Finally, reflect: How does viewing the play communicate an added layer of meaning (Better help you understand)? Discuss.
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