If you were absent, you missed the first Friday quiz of the semester.
Homework/Classwork (for absent students) due Tuesday
1. If we accept that families can be dangerous, what is the source of the danger or dysfunction? Hint...what makes families dangerous? Write out your response using short phrases or bullet points OR in paragraphs. If you did not finish your response in class on Friday, please do so.
2. View the TED Talk by Jeffery Klugger entitled, "The Power of the Sibling Bond" at Jeffrey Klugger The Sibling Bond. Complete TED Talk Reflective Journal under handouts. His talk is approximately 20 minutes. Please do not wait to view it on Sunday or Monday. Try to view and let his ideas soak in. If you did not get the reflective journal sheet, please do the following: Write down 4 statements that you learned about families from watching the TED Talk. Write down two new concepts or vocabulary words. Write down two surprises. Write down how you feel about your siblings. Write down how you think your siblings feel about you. Finally, create two questions based on your viewing/listening to Jeffrey Kluger's TED Talk
3. Continue reading your non-fiction Literature Circle Text. You will again meet in your groups on next Thursday, January 21, 2016. Three new journal entries are due (reflecting at least 30-45 pages of reading).
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