Friday, January 16, 2015

English Ten Periods 3,4, and 5

"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character--that is the goal of a true education."-- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Reflect on the quote above from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Then, discuss an assignment or reading given you in your English class, preferably English ten that caused you to think intensively and/or critically.  Or think of an assignment or project from another class that developed your character.  Discuss the assignment or project; how it challenged you; and what you discovered about the subject matter or yourself while undertaking it.  Required length: one full page.

1. Read one full chunk of your Literature Circle  Text. Periods 3 and 4, you must complete two additional journal entries for your reading (so by Tuesday, you will have 3). Period 5, since you just got your novel, you must also read at least 40 pages of your novel and complete two full page journal entries based on your reading.
2. Periods 4 and 5, you also much complete the vocabulary worksheet using the word interpretation as a noun; and a verb.

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