Tuesday, December 29, 2015

ERWC Period 1 Winter Break Assignments and Readiness

I hope that Winter Break has allowed you the opportunity to spend time with friends and family, and get much needed rest. Following are Winter Break Assignments and/or supplies needed for the Second Semester:  1. Purchase or Check out King Lear by William Shakespeare. Please do not purchase the "No Fear" Shakespeare version. Purchase or check out the purple copy. If you intend to have me purchase your copy for you, please bring $6.50 on Tuesday for purchase.
2. Arrange yourself in a group with no more than three other classmates. Decide on a non-fiction expository text of no fewer than 185 pages for Literature Circles. You will need your book on Monday, January 11th.
3. Continue working on your blog. You should have a name, several hyperlinked bloggers and blogs that you follow, and an image uploaded.
4. To those students who earned a grade of "F" in Expository Composition and are inquiring about the assignment: the first assignment you must compete is the Annotated Bibliography Assignment. You need ten full entries, with no errors in spelling, grammar, or formatting.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

ERWC Period 1

Tomorrow, we will finish viewing American Promise.  I will also be inputting the last of your grades. Please do not ask me to talk about grades and assignments. There are more than 65 grades and assignments which have been read, scored, and recorded for your class. If you did not ear the grade you desired: BETTER LUCK, Time Management, Organization, and Hard work and Class Participation Next Time :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

ERWC period 1

Respond to the following two pronged prompt: What, do you think are the most significant or poignant similarities that you noticed in The Fall of Rome?
Based on your viewing of the video, and reading The Fall of Rome, do you think children of color do better in schools that are predominately white, OR outstanding schools that feature diverse student populations and teacher populations? If you were a parent, where would you send your male child?
What do you think was the trade-off Idris faced by continuing to go to Dalton?
Which of the two families seemed to be more stable, if any? Support your answer with evidence.
Be ready to submit and discuss tomorrow, December 17th.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

ERWC Period 1

Carefully read Chapter 11 of The Fall of Rome. Bring Books Tomorrow
2. If needed, begin reviewing for your Final Test on the Fall of Rome. Also, start locating your returned SOAPS for the Annotated Bibliography Assignment.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

ERWC Period 1

1. Be sure to complete your Text to Text Assignment in which you connect the demons to characters in The Fall of Rome. If you choose to type and submit, the assignment must be submitted before Monday mornings class period. Be sure that the names of collaborators is listed on your work.
2. Continue Reading The Fall of Rome, Chapters 8, 9, 10. Complete one dialectical journal for Chapter 9 and Two for Chapter 10. (I believe you read Chapter 8)
See you Monday!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

ERWC Period 1

For those students who missed period one due to the choral performance, the following questions were discussed in class:
1. What demons does Mr. Washington experience in Chapter 7, even though he may not perceive them to be such.
2. For what position (job) did Mr. Washington apply? Do you think he was the victim of racism or a microaggression?
3. What is the purpose of Ted Fox as a character? How is he portrayed as a "stereotypical" good natured Caucasian?

Monday, November 30, 2015

ERWC Period 1

Self to Text Connection: "A Dozen Demons" by Ellis Cose.  Re-read the expository text, "A Dozen Demons" by Ellis Cose. Then, self-select eight demons that resonate with you.  For each demon, write out a specific instance in which you experienced it, felt that way, or observed someone who felt that way. Be sure to be specific.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

ERWC Period 1

Complete one Dialectical Journal Entry for Chapter 5 of The Fall of Rome. Please also read Chapter 6 of the Fall of Rome and complete two full half pages (folded) dialectical journal responses. Be sure to select a quote, include its page number and your response. First show what the quote reveals about the character, or setting, or conflict, etc. THEN you may make personal connections.
2. Remember to work on your blogs, and to make your interview appointments. See you on Thursday!

Friday, November 13, 2015

ERWC Period 1

1. Re-read "A Nation Within A Nation" Complete the SOAPS from the article.
2. Then, write a response on one of the following prompts: What are the benefits and set-backs of being a nation within a nation?  or 2. How is my ethnic group also a nation within a nation? or 3. How has the nation within a nation continued to expand?
3. Complete your identity puzzle using colors, markers, or tagxedo.
4. If you have not finished your blog, continue to work on it; continue to also conduct your interviews.  You need two by Tuesday (if you did not conduct any as of yet).

Monday, November 9, 2015

ERWC Period 1

Be sure to finish your Graphic Organizer for your On-Demand Essay on Nickel and Dimed. Then, type up your finished revised piece. Be sure that your essay flows.  Save a copy in Google Docs using your chrome books. If possible, also print a copy as well.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

English Ten Period 3

If you did not finish your Character Analysis Rough Draft in class, you may continue working on it for homework. You complete rough draft should be at least one full page or more.

ERWC period 1

Complete SOAPS from Article of the Week. If SOAPS run out, use your own paper. Be sure to read Chapter 4-5 from The Fall of Rome. 2 Dialectical journals per chapter.  Remember, blogging assignment due on Thursday. First two Interviews are also due on Thursday! We will finish revising Nickel and Dimed Essay on Monday. Also bring The Fall of Rome.  I will explain in more depth the Interview Assignment, and Introduce the Blogging Assignment. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

ERWC Period 1

1. Finish identifying evidence for each of your adjectives to characterize Mr. Washington, in The Fall of Rome. I have scanned Chapter one as a PDF File under class readings and handouts.
2. Read Nickel and Dimed Chapter 3 and Review any sections in preparation for the Unit Exam on Thursday.

English Ten period 3

1. Finish your Article of the Week and your new SOAPS sheet to accompany it. Define the five vocabulary works you selected from your article.
2. Write a summary of your article of the week using the academic verbs from your SOAPS sheet. Also, after your summary, you may included your reaction, rating, or connection to the article.
3. Review "Greenleaf" or "Life is Sweet" short stories.

ERWC Period 1

1. Re-read, if needed, The Fall of Rome Chapter 1. After finding five adjectives to describe Mr. Washington; you will identify and write down evidence for each adjective (including page number).
2. Continue reading/reviewing Nickel and Dimed Chapter 3, or sections you need to review.  Our unit exam will be this Thursday.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

English Ten Period 3 Reflection

Write a half-page or longer reflection on your discussion today on The Cold Equations. What similarities emerged in your discussion with regards to the question about Barton; if he was a murderer; if we need individuals like him in our society.  Which student did you connect with in terms of discussion answers. Did anyone disagree with you in your teams? Why? Did you enjoy sharing your ideas with your team?

Saturday, October 17, 2015

H. English 10 Period 5

Be sure to finish "Those Who Walk Away From Omelas" by Ursela Leguin
Those Who Walk Away from Omelas Questions
1. Who walks away from Omelas? Why?
2. Why is this story set in a utopia or perfect world?
3. Is this story believable?
4. Why do the citizens of Omelas not release the boy? DO you think that the citizens of Omelas are hypocritical or are they honest?
II. Finally, be sure to continue to review your short story in teams, and activities you will use to teach it.

ERWC Period 1

Continue Reading Chapter 3 of Nickle and Dimed. Use the colored card you were given on Friday: green; lavender; red; blue; yellow; or pink. Remember blue: What is the purpose of the section? Green: Write down a fact from the Text. Lavender: Create a question. Pink: Select a vocabulary word and define.  Yellow: Write a statement that you agree with. Red: Write your feeling about that section.
So, your homework is to read up to page 185.  For every five to ten pages; complete a task based on your color of card that you received.  Be sure to include the page number of the fact, or vocabulary. Be sure your work is based on actually Chapter 3 and not Chapter 2!!! If you have not finished chapter two or need to review, do so!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

H. English Literature p.5

Finish reading the Ursela Lequin, "Omelas" Be ready to discuss tomorrow!

Monday, October 12, 2015

ERWC Period 1

1. Re-read if necessary our Article of the Week: Want to Go to College? Learn to Fail.  It is in your ERWC Reader on page 3. Then Complete the SOAPS Sheet; an academic summary; and finally, your own reflection to the essay in a paragraph: With what do you agree in Mr. Perez's Commentary; and how does he support his argument?

Friday, October 9, 2015

ERWC Period 1

1. Remember, YOUR COLLAGES are due on Monday. Be sure to make them visually pleasing and artistic.  You may include cut-outs; pictures; anything to make your collage memorable!
2. Continue Reading Nickle and Dimed. If possible finish reading Chapter 2. We left off on page 82 in class. Reading quiz on Monday! We are almost finished.
Study Question for end of Chapter 2: Why does Barbara devote so much time to telling the reader about her co-workers? How does the information she shares about them help advanced her purpose? 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

English Ten Period 3

If needed, re-read the first portion of The Cold Equations that we read in class. You may find a link here: The Cold Equations pdf 
Answer the following questions:
1. Identify a rule in the first few pages that everyone knew about in The Cold Equations.
2. What was a punishment for violating the law or rule?
3.  What is a stowaway?
4. Why do the voices of the readers help us better understand their parts and roles in the story thus far?

ERWC Period 1

1. Finish reading the chunk of Nickle and Dimed pages 76-98 of your textbook. (If you are reading from the pdf  the pages are different, I believe 46-60).
2. Based on your reading, select one quote, the page number and write a half page folded response to that quote.
3. Then, be sure to complete the Role Sheet for your role in your group. If you do not have a printer, you may copy down your job on your own sheet of paper.  The Role Sheets are found under Classroom Readings and Handouts at Litexplorations
4. Continue working on your collage and your timeline of events. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

English Ten Period 3

Please finish questions on "Life is Sweet at Kumansnu"
1. How do Bola and the other villagers explain the death of her sixth son?
2. What does Meji say i sthe reason for him suddenly coming to visit his mother and daughter?
3. Waht shocking news reaches Bola near the end of the story?
4. What does Musa tell Bola to do when the corpse of her sixth son? What does she do instead?

Friday, October 2, 2015

English Ten Period 3

1. Re-read page 1 of Life is Sweet at Kumansenu.
2. Continue Reading your Independent Reading Novel, and making journal entries.

ERWC period 1

Carefully read Chapter two of Nickled and Dimed. For every eight  pages of reading, select one quote or statement from the book. Copy it down and respond and interact with that statement. What does it reveal? Predict? Show? Connect with? Your response should be at least a folded page (hot dog way)
Also, answer the following questions: 1. How much are customers charged for Maid Service? How much are the maids actually paid? 2. Why does Barbara break out in a rash? What is she able to do that most workers would not, had they broke out in a rash? When Barbara needs help, later on in this chapter, she learns that most of the assistance that is available for the poor is during work hours. Explain the irony in that situation. Why do you think Ted gives Barbara a raise when she doesn't work as much as the other maids, and is not as loyal?
Reading quiz Next Week!
2. Final Draft of your Essay is due on Monday. You have the option of submitting only the Narrative Portion on Monday, and Continuing to work on the Expository part. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

English Ten Period 3

1. Be sure to finish your Character Bio Poem/Open Mind. Be sure to use color and the paper given yo you in class (unlined paper.) Feel free to use art, colors, markers and colored pencils.

ERWC Periods 1 and 6

All students should have used their smartphones or computers to research a Timeline of the Top Ten Developments in your identified area for your research paper. This should serve as the foundation for the expository portion of your essay. Final Drafts are due on Monday, October 5th.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

ERWC Period 1 and H. Expos. Comp P.6

1. Be sure to visit the link and re-read the Intro and Chapter 1 (To Nickle and Dimed), if you did not have a chance. Additionally, you may still turn in the classwork/homework from last Friday which was the SOAPS on Revise for Evidence and the study questions for Nickle and Dimed.
2. How much does it take to be Middle Class? Look at the chart found here : What does it mean to be middle class?
3. Then, with that range of numbers in mind for California, print/download the Cost of Living Calculations. Then calculate the costs for food, rent or mortgage, utilities, transportation costs; clothing; car payment; car insurance; phone; and basic necessities. You may ask your parents for some of their actual expenses for things or use the web to assist you.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

ERWC Period 1/H. Expos Comp. Period 6

Nickled and Dimed: Introduction and Chapter One 1. Near the outset, Ehrenreich (speaking of her own sister) employs the term “wage slave.” What does she mean by this?
2. What are the three rules the author sets for herself at the beginning of Nickel and Dimed? 3. Early on, the author tells us that she has a Ph.D. in biology. How, if at all, does this figure into the narrative
CHAPTER 1 – SERVING IN FLORIDA 1. Early in Chapter One, Ehrenreich notes that, in terms of low-wage work, “the want ads are not a reliable measure of the actual jobs available at any particular time.” Explain why this is so.
2. At one point, Ehrenreich details the living conditions of her fellow workers at the Hearthside. Reviewing these arrangements, explain how each set-up compares with the author’s own “$500 efficiency” quarters.
3. Waiting tables at Jerry’s, the author meets a young dishwasher named George. Who is he? What is his story? Why do he and Ehrenreich befriend one another? And why does she not “intervene” when she learns from an assistant manager that George is thought to be a thief?
4. On her first—and last—day of housekeeping in Key West, Ehrenreich is met by a manager who addresses her as “babe” and gives her “a pamphlet emphasizing the need for a positive attitude.”  Why do you think this is important? What does this reveal?
5. In an extended footnote in Chapter Two, Ehrenreich explains how “the point” of the housecleaning service where she is employed “is not so much to clean as to create the appearance of having been cleaned.” Why is this? Why the deceit? Why does The Maids outfit not clean its clients’ homes properly?

Monday, September 21, 2015

ERWC p. 1

Please define the following words: impoverished; poverty; autonomy; dependence; dysfunctional.

Friday, September 18, 2015

English Ten P. 3

Carefully read, and or re-read the short story "Greenleaf" up to page 319. Answer the following questions: 1. How can we tell that Mrs. May is unhappy? 2. What has happened to her farm? Why is she upset at Mr. Greeneleaf? 3. What does Mrs. May NOT like about her sons?

ERWC Period 1

Complete your Essay #1: (Both parts--the narrative and expository part). Then type and print out for a second round of peer editing on Monday.
Reminders: Using specific details help build your credibility. They satisfy the reader. They produce more engaged and lively writing.
Also, the second part of the essay asks you to inform the reader about how your hidden love or talent exists and has others, too that love that same topic.  In the second part of the essay, you demonstrate what you learned about your interest through research.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

English Ten Period 3

Review the definitions for common Noun; Proper Noun; Grammar; Standard Edited English! Why we have grammar; how grammar and punctuation are like signs on the road.

ERWC Period 1

1. Begin reviewing documents for a Unit Exam. 2. Write at least two pages as part of your rough draft for the My Love Affair With... Essay. Be sure to use specific language and details in your essay. Name names; use dialogue; use specific dates, and times and people involved.

Friday, September 11, 2015

English Ten Period 3

Dear English Ten Period 3 student, continue to read your Independent Reading Novel and making three journal responses per week. Next week on Tuesday, I will be checking to see that you have nine journal entries that are at least one folded page.
2. Please look up definitions for the following words: Insecure; Entitled; Superior; Inferior.
3. Please read pages 311-313 of the short story "Greenleaf" by Flannery O'Connor. Click on the link here to access the story : Greenleaf by Flannery O'Connor

Expository Composition Period 1

If needed, review each of the sections presented in class by reading the Competency Handout.  Then, complete all of the questions for Analysis using the competency handout and Hidden Intellectualisms. Do not forget about answering the synthesis question number 6.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

English Class Announcements

This is a reminder to students in all English Classes: Please bring your Signed Meal Applications tomorrow!

English Ten Period 3

Be sure to read and review the notes from the Powerpoint for our weekly quiz

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

English Ten Period 3 Homework

Carefully read your individual Article of the Week or Commentary from the Scholastic Upfront; Time Magazine or Sports Illustrated Magazine. Complete your SOAPS Sheet based on the reading. You will write your Academic Summary in Class tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

English Ten Period 3 Homework Due 9/9

1. Carefully read your one page Commentary or select a longer article to read. Complete your SOAPS sheet for your Article.
2. Complete page 186-187 of the Vocabulary for the Week handout:Summary
3. Continue to Read Independently. Three entries are due each week.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

English-- Periods 1, 3, 5, 6

Remember that you must write an Academic Summary of our Article of the Week (Hidden Intellectualisms or Too Much Pressure) using the Academic Summary Frame.  I attached the link under classroom readings and handouts. Dont forget your SOAPS as well.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

ERWC Period 1

1. Carefully re-read "Hidden Intellectualisms" by Gerald Graff. Complete an Academic Summary using the Academic Summary Frame distributed in class.
2. Be sure to finish your SOAPS Sheet, including evidence for the article.
3. Create 2 Right There; 2 Author and you; and 2 On My Own Questions for "Hidden Intellectualisms"

Monday, August 31, 2015

ERWC Period 1 and H. expository Composition P6

Period 1:
Of the 15-20 hobbies and skills and interests and likes you identified, you are to narrow your list to five. Then, for each of those five hobbies, find/name one person who makes a successful living in that area or field; and 1 writer or blogger or TV Journalist or or commentator whose work concerns that interest or field.  You will have a list with a total of ten names of individuals.  If possible, write down the websites of those bloggers and or writers to share with the class tomorrow (9/1/15 for period one; 9/2/15 for period 6).
Period 6:
First, compile a list of 15-20 interests, hobbies, skills, and things you like--those interests that Graff calls Hidden Intellectualism.

Friday, August 28, 2015

ERWC Period 1

What kinds of "stuff" do you like to do? Make a list of twenty hobbies, skills, abilities, interests, and things that you like, have an affinity for. Bring your list to class on Monday.

English Ten Period 3/5

Due Monday: One Dialectical Journal Entry of at least a full page based on 15 to 20 pages or more of your novel You must include a quote; the page number of that quote, the date of your entry. Your response should include use of a response starter. Your response must be at least a full folded page.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

ERWC Period 1, and Honors Expository Composition Period 6

Carefully re-read if needed the "Dear Ms. Guy" letter listed under class readings and handouts. Compose a letter to me following the specifications outlined in the letter. Your Dear Ms .Guy letter may be typed or handwritten. Additionally, please download and have your parent sign the classroom rules and bring tomorrow to class.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

ERWC Period 1

Please upload or download the Classroom Rules to your phone or device.  Please also print out a copy.  Since this post occurred after five pm, you have one additional day to print and obtain a parent signature (due Thursday).

Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year!!

Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year! I am Ms. Guy and I am delighted to be your English Teacher this year. This blog will be used for the courses ERWC and English Ten. Feel free to familiarize yourself with this blog. I also use another blog which is Literature Explorations.  If I instruct you to download a handout not on this blog, it may be uploaded on the companion blog.  Be sure to check this blog as directly, and especially if you were absent or on weekends! I hope that is aids in our ability to communicate with one another!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Honors English Ten Period 3

1. Be sure to complete your Character Foil Open Mind. You need three to four character defining quotes per side; 3-4 images per side; and 4-5 specific adjectives describing each character in each side. Remember, you should have selected two foil characters; one on either side.
2. Be sure to actually write out your drafts of your "Neat versus Sloppy People" Reflective Essay Assignment.
3. Re-read the last scene read in class of Antigone. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

English Ten Period 4

1. Review "A Raisin in the Sun" You will be having an exam next week.
2. Re-read Antigone Prologue in your blue Prentice Hall Text. Complete the following questions based on our reading of the Prologue of Antigone: 1. How do you feel about Antigone's attitude toward her brothers and toward her sister, Ismene? 2. In the first scene together Antigone and Ismene are opposites, or foils. Describe each sister with five different adjectives. With whom do you side?

II. Be sure to work on your "A Raisin in the Sun" Powerpoints, essays and creative projects. Your Powerpoints are due and will begin on Wednesday.  Your essays are due on Thursday. If we have an exam, it may be next Friday.

Friday, May 1, 2015

English Ten Honors Period 3

1. Final Draft of Fahrenheit 451 Essay is due Monday. 
2. Re-read Antigone, scene 2 and 3 (if needed). Answer the following: What adjectives can you use to describe Creon and his behavior? 2. What is your first impression of Haimon, and how does it change as the scene with his father progresses?  3. Why do the citizens of Thebes tell Creon what he wants to hear? 4. What metaphors does Haimon use to argue that Creon should be more flexible? 5. What are Creon's views of women, and how do these seem to influence his decision about Antigone?
Reading Quiz on The Greek Theater; Tragedy Lecture Notes, and Antigone Scenes 1-3 on Monday. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

English Ten PEriod 5

When I Was Puerto Rican Reading Homework:
Answer the following comprehension questions for the Chapter, “Letters from New York.”
In addition, read the chapter, “Casi Senorita”, and explain the dicho in a journal entry.
Questions for “Letters from New York” and “Casi Senorita”
1.       In what ways did the boleros reflect and/or distort the notion of love?
2.       Why did Esmeralda mention Felipe Rodriguez and her parents' quarrel in the same paragraph? (p. 158)
3.       Esmeralda enjoyed learning from Mami how to iron clothes. What was the most important reason that made her happy?
4.       The Santiago family's house was right behind a bar. What kinds of problems did it pose for the children? (p. 155 - 156)
5.       Why did Esmeralda feel insulted and belittled by Tata's letter? (p. 157 - 158)
Casi Senorita
6.       Esmeralda attended a religious ceremony. (p. 173 to 175) Summarize what happened and explain her response to this event.
7.       After finishing the chapter, it is quite obvious that there are at least two reasons why Santiago named it "Casi Senorita" (Almost A Woman). Discuss what these reasons are.

Dont forget three entries in your Reading Journals!

English Ten Period 4

A complete Essay Rough Draft is due on Friday. Make a conference with me if you need assistance on your thesis statement. All rough drafts must be no fewer than three hand-written pages.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

English Ten periods 3,4,5

Period 5: Complete your additional Reflective Journal based on your reading of your research for your Powerpoint presentations. Work on your Powerpoint presentations.
Period 4: work on rough draft of your essay. Aim for an additional page of writing or more.  Conduct research for your Powerpoint presentations. Connect with your team. Consider your creative writing projects.
Per. 3: Continue to draft your rough draft.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

English Ten Period 4, and 5

Because of the special Smarter Balance Assessment Testing Schedule, be sure to read and complete three entries in your journal weekly.  Period 5 journal check: Thursday/Monday; Period 4 Journal Check Friday and Monday.
2. Your second reflective journal is due regarding your internet/reference material research for your powerpoints.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Honors English Ten period 3/English Ten Period 4

1. Select your essay topic for Fahrenheit 451/A Raisin in the Sun and begin pre-writing. You should also re-read sections of the novel/play to help you.
2. Finish your SOAPS Sheet on Universal Theme for Part 1/ Act 1 of Fahrenheit 451 or A Raisin in the Sun.
3. Review the definition of Universal Theme and how to find them in a literary text.
4. Period 3 only: read "The Greek Theater" in your Literature Text. Complete the Reflective Journal:
What I did; What I learned (4 sentences); Surprises (2); vocabulary (4); Questions (4);

Friday, April 17, 2015

Honors English Ten period 3

Finish reading "Burning Bright" Part III of Fahrenheit 451

English Ten Period 5

Great class today! Homework:
1. Interview your mother or grandmother regarding her decision to work outside of the home.  Be sure to record at least three minutes of the interview on your phone.
2. Complete your Open Mind with: 3 images; 5 words; 2 quotes with page number ON EACH Side of the Open Mind.
3. Finish reading the chapter, "Mami Gets a Job."
4. If you didnt complete the SOAPS for the Article, "Why I Want A Wife" be sure to complete and submit on Monday.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

English Ten Period 5

1. Re-read the article, "The Ways We Lie" Complete your SOAPS Sheet.
2. Write a reflection on the article: Summarize the article. Then, with what aspects do the article do you agree? Which of the "lies" listed are you most guilty of? Of which do you see occurring in our memoir, When I Was Puerto Rican?
2. Study the academic vocabulary: lie; omit; facade; deflect; delude; stereotype; connotation; denotation.

Honors English Ten Period 3

Carefully finish your Weekly SOAPS for the Article of the Week. We will correct in class on Wednesday. Additionally, write a one page reflection of the the piece, "What Kind of Town Bans Books' Be sure to include both an overall summary of the article, as well as your reactions to what happened, how it happened and why it happened.
2. Re-read Part II if needed of Fahrenheit 451. Answer questions: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11. You may answer on the back although I strongly urge you to use an additional sheet. Your responses should be thorough and complete. Each question is worth 4-5 points.
3. Literature Circle Novel #2 is on the way! Will either pick on Wednesday or next week on Monday.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

English Ten Period 5

Finish the chapter up to page 60.  then, carefully red the chapter "The American Invasion of Macun." Do a Say/Mean/Matter Entry for the dicho/proverb that appears on page 64.
Then, as you read, select any two quotes and respond to them in a page.  Be ready for a reading quiz on this chapter.

Monday, March 23, 2015

English Ten Periods 4 and 5

In preparation for your culminating task of writing a sustained letter using the Content Area Academic Language of a Therapist or counselor, be sure you have defined the following concepts
--self-efficacy*; self-actualization*; boundary*; maturation; bid; crisis; barrier; gender roles*
The words that have asterisks by them require reading in addition to looking up the concept. You will have a short definition word/recognition quiz on your block day on these words.
3. Complete your SOAPS for your Article of the Week and an Academic Summary based on your article.

Friday, March 20, 2015

English Ten Period 4 & 5

1. Finish the Recovery Potential survey from the point of view of two characters in "A Raisin in the Sun." or When I Was Puerto Rican 
2. Write a one page reflection: what insight do you gain after completing the recovery survey for both characters? What things do you think the characters want to say to each other but can't? What does the "unheard of character want to say"?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Periods 3, 4 and 5

Your completed rough draft of your character analysis essay is due tomorrow. without an essay, you will not get a chance to have your essay peer edited. Rough drafts must have a thesis and at least 5 paragraphs minimum.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Period 3 Homework & Period 5

Read and annotate Article of the Week: Eating Too Much Sugar May Be Killing You. Complete your SOAPS sheet.
2. Respond in at least a full paragraph for each question: Reflect on your intake of sugar. Share your thoughts.  Select any passage and respond to it in one full paragraph. This means your response should be a FULL PAGE! Be prepared to discuss on Wed. (per.3/Thurs. for period 5). 3.Also, bring Character Wheels to class for work on character analysis essay.

Monday, February 23, 2015

English Ten Period 5

What is the difference between summary and analysis? What is analysis mean to you? Why is writing an analysis difficult or hard for many students to do? Please respond using your experiences from other classes or your observations as well.

English Ten period 4

Period 4: Study Summary versus Analysis Lecture Notes. Select a subject matter of which you are familiar--playing a sport; dance; hobby and write a six to eight sentence minimum summary of that topic or hobby or idea.

English Ten Period 3

Re-read Fahrenheit 451 (what was read in class). Prepare for a two or three question reading quiz. Tomorrow we will finish our Powerpoint Presentations.

Friday, February 20, 2015

English Ten Periods 4 and 5 Character Analysis Open Minds

Select one character from the class novel and complete the Open Mind Graphic Organizer.  Your Open Mind Must be filled with a combination of  4 quotes; 3 images that relate to the character; 3 symbols; 5 actions (things the character did or wants to do) and 5 adjectives that describe the character's personality.  Your Open Mind must use color and fill the entire graphic organizer.  Due on Monday, February 23, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

English Ten Period 5

Please write a one full page response to the theme or topics in which you identified in your Socratic Discussion groups. You may want to answer: How does the narrator introduce the idea and how do they support it? What events in Negi's life support the idea or claim? Can you relate?

English Ten Period 4

1. Select two passages from "A Raisin in the Sun" Act I scene 1 (the end) or scene 2. Complete a Say/Mean/Matter Journal for each quote in your journal. If you did not receive your journal, please use your own paper.
2. Still bring your literature circle novels and journals tomorrow unless you have finished your final chunk of reading.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Period 3,4,5

Periods 4 and 5-- YOU Meet in your literature circle groups tomorrow! Don't forget your journals and literature circle role sheets to discuss in your teams.
Period 4-- Your SOAPS is due tomorrow.  Period 3; it is due on Friday.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

English Ten Periods 4, and 5 and 3

1. You must have your four journal entries from your Independent Reading Novel completed.
2. BE sure to print and complete the literature circle role sheet that YOU are supposed to complete for tomorrow.
3. Bring your Independent Reading Novels tomorrow as well as the class novel. You will have a quiz on your Independent Reading novels as well as a reading check of the class novel.
4. Review, "Why We Use Say/Mean/Matter" and Testing the Validity of Our Interpretation.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

H English Ten Period 3

1. Continue to read in your literature circle novels. You must also have at least 6 journal entries completed by your Friday Literature Circle Meeting.
2. Download and Complete your Literature Circle Role Sheet (Discussion Director; Literary Luminary; Connector; etc.)
3. Complete your SOAPS on the Article of the Week: The Future of Luxury in your textbook page 632.

English Ten Periods 4 and 5

1. Be sure you have read your second chunk of your novel, and completed a total of 6 journal entries TOTAL.
2. Be sure you have downloaded and completed your literature circle roll sheet. YOU SHOULD FULLY COMPLETE IT.
3. Period 4: Complete the SAY/MEAN/MATTER for "Harlem" by Langston Hughes
4. Period 5: Think of a food from your culture--either teen; race; ethnicity. Describe the food; jot down some words that describe its texture; taste; what your mouth does when you eat it; how you eat it. Bring to class tomorrow.

Friday, January 16, 2015

English Ten Periods 3,4, and 5

"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character--that is the goal of a true education."-- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Reflect on the quote above from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Then, discuss an assignment or reading given you in your English class, preferably English ten that caused you to think intensively and/or critically.  Or think of an assignment or project from another class that developed your character.  Discuss the assignment or project; how it challenged you; and what you discovered about the subject matter or yourself while undertaking it.  Required length: one full page.

1. Read one full chunk of your Literature Circle  Text. Periods 3 and 4, you must complete two additional journal entries for your reading (so by Tuesday, you will have 3). Period 5, since you just got your novel, you must also read at least 40 pages of your novel and complete two full page journal entries based on your reading.
2. Periods 4 and 5, you also much complete the vocabulary worksheet using the word interpretation as a noun; and a verb.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

English Ten Period 5

The homework that I was to assign you, I have decided to give you tomorrow in class. Thanks for checking your blog!

English Ten Period 4 Homework

1. To prepare for your first literature circle meeting tomorrow; Read one half of your chunk. So if a chunk included 60 pages, try to read as close to 30 in one night as possible. 2. Complete the literature Circle Roll Sheet. IF you DO NOT HAVE ANY INK JUST DO IT ON YOUR OWN PAPER. 3. Respond to one of this weeks journal topics listed below: 1. In decision making, we usually follow a reasoned process: weighing pros and cons, talking things over with a friend, and drawing on our past actions and experiences. In snap judgments—decisions that we make on the spot, with no reflection beforehand—we do not follow such a methodical decision-making process. Everything tells us that relying on snap judgments is unwise. We make such decisions, however, because they ultimately work out better than decisions to which we give a lot of thought. Assignment: Are snap judgments better than decisions to which people give a lot of thought? Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. 2. Many people believe that one must care very deeply about something in order to do it well. Passionate commitment, they argue, is a characteristic of every great achiever in history. But caring very deeply about something can cloud one’s judgment and make it difficult to think clearly. More can be accomplished, in fact, with cool detachment. It is usually those who remain emotionally detached from their tasks who achieve the most. Assignment: Is it better to care deeply about something or to remain emotionally detached? Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. 3. In this day and age, you must understand the overwhelming importance of owning unnecessary material. In the way we live now, you are not what you produce. You are what you buy. And outside of that which is found in a few aisles in the grocery and hardware stores, most of what you consume is totally unnecessary. Adapted from James B. Twitchell, Living It Up: Our Love Affair with Luxury Assignment: Is most of what people buy totally unnecessary? Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. 4. Are people likely to be dissatisfied rather than content once they have achieved their goals? Why? Support your position with reasoning and examples from your reading; studies; observation; or experience.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year! Tenth Graders!

Remember, that your Independent Reading Journal is due on Monday, January 12th. No LATE JOURNALS WILL BE ACCEPTED.