Thursday, April 11, 2013

When I Was Puerto Rican English Ten Per. 2

1. In the Prologue of When I was Puerto Rican, Esmerdelda remebers her last guava on the day she left Puerto Rico. She remembered its smell tastes and several varieties of guava she had as a child. Think about one of your favorite foods. It can be a teenage snack, a food of cultural tradition, or one of your favorite foods. Describe it, modelled after Santiago. Your description should include its color, taste, smell and how to eat! Have fun with this! Your description should be at least two full paragraphs. 2. Why does Negi want to eat the guava? What does this predict she knew? 3. Why do you think the guavas in New YOrk cost $1.59? What is the significance of them being under "harsh florescent lights" in an "exotic fruit display"?

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