Monday, March 11, 2013

AP Lit Period 1 Things Fall Apart Reading Question

Bring a Picture of Either your Mother or Your Father to Class tomorrow. If you can not bring a picture write down details to describe either Mom or Dad in temperament, and physically. Be sure you have downloaded and completed your literature circle role sheet for tomorrow. BE sure to have three journals. If you did not recieve your journal, write on your own folded paper. Remember, you may bring snacks for your groups meeting tomorrow, and there will be a reading quiz on TFA tomorrow. Things Fall Apart Chapters 1-5 Reading Questions 1. Why does Okonkwo disdain his father and strive to succeed?. 2. Discuss the significance of the three proverbs introduced in Chapter One. Thoroughly explain each proverb and define its meaning in the context of the chapter. 3. Chart Okonkwo's rise in the novel, beginning with his defeat of Amalinze, the Cat, in the wrestling match. Be sure to have at least four events/occurences on your list/chart 4. Name the members of Okonkwo's household. 5. How does Okonkwo come to acquire the young boy, Ike-me-fun-a? What impact does Ikemefuna have on Okonkwo's household? 6. Although Okonkwo demands respect and obedience in his household, he breaks two important customs--The Week of Peace, and the Festial of the New Yam. What does Okonkwo do to profane these two traditions? What punsihment does Okoknwo receieve? 7. Explain the irony is Okonkwo's favorite child.

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