Tuesday, March 19, 2013

AP English Literature Period 3

Read The Stranger Chapters 1-3 paying careful attention to Mersualt. PLease answer the following questions: 1. From what point of view is the story told, and why might that be important? 2. Describe Mersualt's reaction to his mother's death; his job, his bosses reaction. HOw can we tell that the type of work Mersualt does is menial (not that important; routine)?What happens to Meursault on the bus to the nursing home? How does Meursault feel when he talks to the warden? What do Meursault and the doorkeeper do during the all-night vigil? Who is Thomas Perez? What seems to bother Mersault the most in Chapter 1? Who is MArie Cardona? 2.Be sure to also have three journals in your Indpendent Reading JOurnals. 3. Be sure to have completed your literature circle role sheet.

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