Monday, February 11, 2013

Honors English Ten Period 5. "The Possibility of Evil"

The Possibility of Evil Finish reading the story. Answer the following Close Reading Questions which are only based on a part of the short story. 1. Why is it important that Miss Strangworth is a "Miss" rather than a "Mrs." Waht other detail makes this odd, and may foreshadow her behavior. 2. Instead of giving roses for important events, Ms. Strangeworth often gave gladioli and picked her roses and left them in her home. Why is this of note? 3. Who is Ethan Allen? Why is this allusion important or significant (based on reading the entire story). 4. How do you feel about Miss. Strangeworth by the end of the first full apge of reading? 5. REview each of the interactions Miss Strangeworth had on page 1 of the story. How do these contribute to a sense of character. 6. When could you tell that something was wrong with Miss Strangeworth?

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