Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Honors English Ten per. 5

1. Look on my blog to your right, and click on the link for the story, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." Print out the first five chapters. 2. Repond to the following: What is the perfect age to be? Think about the question carefully, then write at least a one page response in which you identify a speficic age to be and why you think that age is the perfect age to be. 3. In the story "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", there are several allusions to the Bible, mythology and culture which if we do not know, reduce our understanding of the story. Look up the following allusions and jot down their definitions/associations: Methuselah; Benjamin; seventy years of age; the wandering Jew (chapter 4); Hildegarde Moncrief; John Wilkes Booth; Midas. 4. begin studying literary terms for upcoming exam.

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