Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Winter Break Mastery Learning and Grading Opportunity

 You have the opportunity to raise your grade one full letter grade only: F to D and D to C by completing a Winter Break Reading Assignment. 

The Winter Break Reading Assignments involves selection of a Grade Level Text that is 240 (200 for tenth graders) pages in length or more.   I must exclude texts that may be whole class reads: For example: The Great Gatsby; The Godfather; The Kaepernick Effect; The Fall of Rome; Solo or any texts by Kwame Alexander; or Angie Thomas.  The text preferably should not have a film adaptation. Click the link to indicate your intention:

You will select your text sometime between Monday December 12 and Thursday, December 15th, 2022. Ms. Guy is available during Advisory, after your Final Exam, provided there is time, and afterschool on Tuesday-Thursday for half an hour to one hour. 

Once selected; you will read the text, reading at least 80 pages per week, and writing Dialectical Journals as modelled from previous exemplars.  You must have a total of 24 journals–10 per ten pages or so of reading. 

You may handrrite (preferable) your journals, or type them. They must be at least 300-500 words long per entry. They may use response starters such as: See the Guide to Dialectical Journals

This reveals…..about the character

I predict…….

This setting impacts…….because…….

I wasnt expecting…………..

And others…….

Take screenshots and email them if Schoology is not available. Your journals will be due each week of Winter Break on Friday. However, Schoology may be available for this very reason. Once we return, you will have an assessment (text) that may be multiple choice; short answer and analytical essay or a combination of all three.  You may be asked to also do a presentation to demonstrate reading and speaking and listening skills.  Your parent or guardian will be asked to sign off on the assignment, due date and expectations. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

Weeks Objectives and Agenda

 Good Morning! Today, I am not feeling well. I DO know that I do not have COVID (I tested) but I will avoid direct instruction and talking and engaging in discussion. To that end, you are to work to finish two goals: Submission of Final Draft of Declaration of Independence. 2. To read and annotate the AoW & complete a PAPER SOAPS Analysis. 

Objectives:  To use rubric to finish and upload student model of Declaration of Independence. 

To use annotation and active reading strategies to demonstrate understanding of texts including Article of The Week: Too Much Pressure by Collen Wenke 

To identify Ethos, Logos, and Pathos is a range of readings. 

To understand the Puritan legacy/impact on American Literature and the Salem Witch Trials 

To discuss learning targets; grading profiles to see how we can move beyond a focus on points to a focus on learning. 

Good Morning! First order of business, is finishing, re-reading and uploading your Declaration of Independence. Once that is submitted consider:  Do you think our current society places too much pressure on us to be successful? If yes, how do you think we respond to the pressure to succeed? 

Friday, September 9, 2022

The Cold Equations

 Warm-up & Questions to Consider: What does it mean to be cold?  What jobs are careers can you think of where obedience is of extreme importance?  What does the phrase, "Obedience is better than sacrifice" mean, and do you agree with it? Why or why not? Link to pdf of text: The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin pdf Link to online Audio and Full Text:

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

African-American Literature Objectives

 Objectives: To re-consider: Why do we read and study literature in the first place? To understand the benefits of literary study professionally.  2. To identify key events in American/World history that have impacted African-American Literature.  3. To understand or begin to understand the act of writing for a Black person or Person of Color and the Duality involved. 4. To present information from Black Literary Timeline. 

Agenda. Review rules, protocols and procedures. 2.  To reconsider: Why read and Study literature? Why Read and Study Literature? What is Literature? What impact does literary study have on us professionally?  To use a reflection tool to record our ideas and thoughts: 3-2-1 Chart  or 3-2-1 Chart 

3. To Introduce the Beginnings of African-American Literature. What are key events, actions, conflicts, etc that influenced or helped create African-American Literature?  

Part 4: What is African-American Literature? Identify 5 key important dates, events, actions are movements paramount to African-American Literature. Then, share with a seat partner. 

Part 5: Group Work: Jigsaw.  In teams of 4 to 5 students, you are responsible for reading your section of material from The Beginnings of African-American Literature. In your group, you will identify your Group Members Names, Section Title, Key Event that happened in your section of the text; historical context; and how it impacted African-American literature and thought by providing details, summary, or bulleted statements. 

English Ten Objectives

 Objectives and Agenda

1. To identify weekly academic routines and the process for beginning class.

2. To Explore Essential Question: What Does Science Fiction Teach us about ourselves and our world? 

3. To understand why students study literature in English Class.  To reconsider: Why read and Study literature? Why Read and Study Literature? What is Literature? What impact does literary study have on us professionally?  To use a reflection tool to record our ideas and thoughts: 3-2-1 Chart  or 3-2-1 Chart 

To commit to using academic structures such as Article of The Week+SOAPS+Academic Summary+Question Formulation; Poetry Analysis and Journal Writing+Grammar/Sentence Combining.

American Literature Week's Objectives

 Good Morning! This Week our Objectives are as follows: 
1. To successfully find and use alternative communication methods such as Remind and Blogger for Communication. 
2. To reinforce learning routines such as Warm-Ups; SOAPS Analysis on Articles of The Week+Summary Writing; Question Generation, and Journal Writing. 

3. To reconsider: Why read and Study literature? Why Read and Study Literature? What is Literature? What impact does literary study have on us professionally?  To use a reflection tool to record our ideas and thoughts: 3-2-1 Chart  or 3-2-1 Chart 

4. To Introduce American Literary Periods. Which of the American Literary Periods do you think exerts the most impact on American character or society? 

5. To Consider Essential Questions: What Does it Mean to be American? To begin reading Foundational Documents 

Agenda: 1. Review Objectives 2. Join Remind Class if you haven't. Period 1: Period 2 Period 4: Period 6: 

3. Activities related to literary study: Warm-Up: Why Read and Study Literature?  View two short videos about literature and literary study? Plus mini lecture by Ms. Guy.  4. Read short article as class: Why I Hire English Majors. Review what we learned by using the 3-2-1 Chart.  

4. Introduce: American Literary Periods Jigsaw among groups. Groups present their slide share out how they believe that period impacted American society or how or why it might be important.  5. Homework: What Does It Mean To Be American? Or Live in American? 

Monday, June 6, 2022

Character Analysis in the Real world

 Many of the characters in the play, “A Raisin in the Sun” are searching for something. That search in many ways impacts their relationships with others–perhaps their would be love interests, or in the case of Walter and Ruth, their relationship with each other. 

Assume the persona of a psychologist or a counselor. Browse the list of some of the terms here: Jot a few down and look at their definitions. Then plan and construct a letter to one of the following characters: Beneatha; Walter; or Ruth. Your letter should identify a behavioral problem or character trait you notice that is problematic. Then describe the effect it has on another character. Finally, discuss why the trait is damaging to themselves and others and what steps they can make to change and the outcome it will have. 

Your letter MUST have a clear greeting. You must identify yourself as a counselor, or family therapist; and you can make up background about yourself, your credentials and where you went to school. Construct body paragraphs in which you do each of the items the prompt asks you to do! Your tone should be professional, serious, yet helpful--as if giving advice.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Your final: American Literature periods 1 and 2.

 Tomorrow, Friday, June 3rd, we will continue reading "A Raisin in The Sun". On Monday, June 6th--the day slated for your Final, you will write an essay about your second novel; and respond to a response about A Raisin in the Sun. We will then watch the remainder of the play. Please begin locating any books borrowed! And yes, I am still grading journals, and Open Minds! 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Friday, May 27, 2022

Monday, April 4, 2022

Second Draft of Letter Due 04/06/22

Your second draft of your persuasive letter is due tomorrow! Your NEW draft should have a clear Introduction; a thesis statement; at least three paragraphs and a conclusion. It should be DIFFERENT from  the previous letter that you printed and submitted. You should elaborate, you should include the components we learned today and you should include the word restrictive covenant. 

You will not demonstrate effective use of vocabulary if you do not use the word: Restrictive Covenant 

If you use pronouns like "They" without identifying who "they" are.  If you don't identify THREE reasons and discuss each with one paragraph per reason; if you don't use an appropriate method of organization; if you don't have at least 5 paragraphs. 

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Young Mens Leadership Conference Registration Link

  Young Men: Don't forget to register TODAY for the Young Mens Leadership Conference! We will meet at King/Drew Saturday, April 2nd at 08:30 am for breakfast and log on to the conference! Here is the link to register:

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Understanding Patterns of Organizational for Academic Reading and Writing

Today, we will learn more about organizational patterns and how they work when we are writing as well as how authors use them and they impact our reading.  Click link here:

Re-read the Sample Restrictive Covenant Letter. Identify at least 3-4 methods or patterns of organization in the letter. Which patterns does the author use to persuade Mr. Wagner to sign the restrictive covenant? 

Which methods will you use to revise your letter? 

Monday, March 14, 2022

Migration and the American Dream

What role does migration (movement from one place to another)/ immigration have to freedom? What roles does migration/immigration play in attaining the American Dream? Consider not only migration from country to country but state to state. Use the pallet to respond in writing and then attach a symbolic image or gif to your response. If you finish, please comment on the response of at least one other peer. Period one link here: 

Period two pallet link here: 

The Great Migration Study Sheet. Some of the questions can be answered based on viewing todays series of videos. Some questions will be answered based on readings this week. Use the blank space to record facts, dates, locations and other important ideas. Then we will work to place them in the appropriate locations.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Agenda periods 1 and 2

 1. Engage is silent journal writing from 550 Prompts for Personal and Narrative Writing. 

2. Silent Reading and Journal Work for students not finished with their novels.  Period 1, don't forget to record your academic summary on Flipgrid by Saturday. 

3. You may brainstorm ideas for Independent Reading Projects. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Independent Reading Projects--Idea Generation (periods 1 and 2)

As you know, many students have begun to finish their novels and so it is time to think about Independent Reading Projects! Many of you are skilled in technology, art, drama or technology.  Visit the following links to get ideas on independent reading projects! You may also come up with your own projects.  Do note that I will also assign some sort of written or spoken/recorded component or character analysis to practice our analytical skills.  My philosophy regarding independent reading:

Link for projects: 

Link to Google Form as proof of reading/Brainstorming:

Monday, February 28, 2022

Home Ownership and the American Dream periods 1 and 2

A word cloud is used to visualize and summarize all sorts of words and data visually. Today, you will create a rough draft of a Word Cloud with 12-15 words/synonyms that summarize the benefits of home ownership, or connecting home ownership to the American Dream.  For your Final Draft, you may use a computer word cloud generator Link here: or you may use white paper. Be sure to vary the SIZE of your words as well as the color. If you use worditout, you can play around with the color scheme and font size. 

Then, after creating your word cloud, write a summary in which you answer the following questions: Why did you select the words you did? How do they relate to the benefits of home ownership or connect home ownership to the American Dream? 

Entrance Slip: Homeownership and the American Dream. 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Contemp Comp period 2

 Today, we will, with guest teacher Mrs. Morris, continue watching Sighted Eyes, Feeling Heart about the author of "A Raisin in The Sun"  Lorraine Hansberry. You will upload a reflective journal, so DO take notes on Hansberry's life and the major events that you think happened in her life for the reflective journal. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Join Our FlipGrid Course

 Join our flip grid Course for Contemporary Composition! Click link here:

After joining, click here to be taken to our re-read assignment: 

Join our Period 2 Flipgrid Course for Contemporary Composition period 2. Click here to join.

Click this link for our assignment

Monday, February 7, 2022

Agenda: Monday February 7, 2022 Periods 1 and 2

 Good Morning! Today, while I am away, you will engage in your Article of The Week. This week, your article involves listening to a PODCAST that I have chosen.  We all will listen to the same podcast that relates to the question on our "A Raisin in the Sun" Anticipation Guide.  The Podcast is titled: Gentrification: Feeling Like An Outsider in Your Own Neighborhood. The Link is Found here: Listen with your headphones, or the class headphones (distributed by helpers: Wilmer and Wendoly period 1 and Dume and Jackie, period 2). After listening, complete the SOAPS Analysis sheet. Your vocabulary word is gentrification. Upload into Schoology before the period ends--dont forget your academic summary. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Pronouns: Reviewing Pronouns, Finding Antecedents and Determining Pronoun Agreement

Objective: To review pronouns and to see if we can identify their antecedents. First, lets take a little assessment: Clink the link here:

Which questions posed a problem for you? How many questions did you score correctly? 

Now, let's listen, watch, and learn and practice more on pronouns and identifying their antecedents. Use the 3-2-1 chart to record what you learned on the videos and in my short lecture.  3 concepts or ideas or words learned, 1 question, and 1 interesting thing you learned.  3-2-1 Chart here: you may also use your own paper 

American Public Media Examines The American Dream

Here is the link to the Reflective Journal: 

Here is the link to the site:  Article of the week text here:

What is The American Dream and Ho has it changed? Padlet link:

Questions for consideration: What role does race, class, and gender play in a person’s ability to achieve their dreams?

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Defining and Discussing Barriers to the American Dream

 Article of the week text here:

Questions for consideration: What role does race, class, and gender play in a person’s ability to achieve their dreams?

Thursday, January 27, 2022

American Literary Periods Time Line

 Use the powerpoint here to take notes on the American Literary Time Periods. Focus on slides 2 and 3 as well as the Realism, Modern and Post Modern elements of the Time Line. Link here: 

This weeks article of the week is an entire class read: The Kobe I Know Became A Champion For Others by James Hill.  We will all read the same article, and complete our SOAPS and summary.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Friday Freewrite and Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. periods 1 and 2

Good Morning! You made it through what will hopefully be the last rough week this semester.  I am crossing my fingers to see you all on Tuesday after we return from the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.  Our lesson revolves around Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. First, you will do your Friday Freewrite using prompts from the 550 prompts for personal and narrative writing.  This time, PLEASE UPLOAD YOUR JOURNAL for Points. Remember, once you pick your prompt, your response must be one page! 

Here is the link to the prompts: 

After uploading your journal response, the remainder of the class time/homework will be to consult any 4 of the following resources on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Some of the resources may be audio resources.  Once you have visited the resources, you will complete a Reflective Journal detailing what you learned, surprises you encountered, questions you have, vocabulary, and how it connects with what you already know about King. You will also upload a one page summary/reflection.  This assignment will lock on Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 10pm. 

Here is the Reflective Journal Document:

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Treat Yourself Thursday: Student Choice Reading-- All Classes

Today is Treat Yourself Thursday! Rather than give you additional assignments that have little context, I decided to allow YOU to select an article, series of poems, a podcast, or short story to read.  Yes, you must do a SOAPS Analysis but the text is your choice.  If you have a novel you would like to read, you may read and do the analysis on the portion you read! You must complete during class time however! The assignments will all lock today near the end of class to promote the joy of in-class reading.  Here are some of my favorite sites to pick a commentary to read:

18 New York Times Articles to Read Before Eighteen 
Radio Rookies: Youth Radio from New York
Latino USA: Radio Journal of News and Culture from A Latino Perspective
Very Smart Brothas
The Huffington Post: communities Black Voices; Queer Voices; Women's Voices; Latino Voices
The Root: Black News, Culture, Opinion

National Public Radio Podcast Directory. Browse here for some amazing podcasts. One of my favorites is Code Switch.  Link:

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Day 2 Wed 1/12/22 Agenda periods 1 and 2. Introducing A Raisin in the Sun.

Agenda--periods 1 and 2: Warm-up/Reflection: What are some dreams that you have for yourself? Where do you see yourself in the next ten years? Write a paragraph about some of your hopes and dreams.  What do you think happens to us in life that prevents us from accomplishing some of our dreams? 

2. Read the poem "Dreams" by Langston Hughes. Answer the Questions that follow in Schoology. The questions and the poem are uploaded as a PDF.  You may download in KAMI and answer on the document. 

3. View the google slides on our next text, a play entitled, "A Raisin in the Sun". Google Slides Found here:  A Raisin in The Sun Intro Slides 

4. After viewing the slides, complete the Anticipation Guide for A Raisin in The Sun. If easier you may type your responses on a Word or Google Doc and upload if you cant use Kami or Dochub. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Good Morning King Drew Scholars-- Lesson for periods 1 and 2 Tuesday, January 11, 2022

 Dear Students, please click or scan to watch a short video from me. Link is here:
2. Once you finished, you will complete a brief Warm-up on GOALS using Padlet.  Here is the padlet link for period 1:  Here is the link for period 2:   Once finished, read today's article, "How To Make (and Keep) A New Year's Resolution"  Link here:  3. Lastly, complete a SOAPS Analysis on the article, and upload into Schoology on the Article.